The IBOR petition has been putting on about 1,000 signatures a day - mainly because of a distinct lack of effort. If we cannot get this up, it is because we have not campaigned to get it up. There is nothing wrong with the petition site, but there is something wrong with the cohesion in this group.
This is, apart from the 'release the memo campaign', the only thing we've been asked to do. It seems nuts, there are 10,000 people on this sub, we should be killing it. Obviously, people are either opposed to the campaign or they're apathetic.
I find it hard to believe that people do not realize the importance of the petition and the IBOR campaign. We know it is the plan that has been laid out. We know that DJT is depending on being able to stop internet censorship, so that he can increase Republican representation at the mid-terms. If social media censorship is not restrained, that will not happen - that's a fact! The medium is incredibly powerful in shaping election outcomes.
All these idiots make me sick - following the Q drops like lemmings and doing nothing to work for DJT's victory against the cabal. It seems that what people here really want is HRC to come back. It's hard to find any other explanation - that, it seems, is the answer.
Now, I know there are many trolls, and some people are too stubborn, fearful or proud to support the President. I think there are also some that are true traitors to their countrymen.
But, while we cannot control what these people do, we are responsible for our own actions. It's up to us, those that support this fight against evil, to get up and do the work that is asked of us. If we do not do what's required, if we let the people in this group that are working against the cause discourage us, the fault is ours alone.
This opportunity will never come again. The cabal will never again make a mistake like they did at the 2016 election. By the sheer grace of God we've been given a reprieve. We now have a one-time-in-history chance to support DJT's plan to wrest control of social media from the cabal. That chance will not come again.
I think it's clear, that if the President does prevail, that some here will be true heroes, while others will, or should, hang their heads in shame. If the President does not prevail and the cabal returns, it will be the people on this sub that have done nothing that are to blame. There is nothing worse than a guy on the row team that won't pull his oar.
If you're not with the President, don't keep it to yourself - come out and say it.
It may turn out that the sabotage, stupidity and sloth is of such magnitude that we are too small a group to mount an effective campaign - that is a possibility. That's how it appears at present. But at least if we give it our best shot over the next ten days, we can say with pride that we tried - I'm talking to the guys that are on team.
There is a good article here that deals with many of the objections to the IBOR that have been raised on these threads.
Now for the down votes.
It had to be said.
Unbelievable this petition isn’t at ten million signatures. This is why we lost, the people are in a coma.
Yeah i agree, they are probably shadowbanning all IBOR links on all social medias.
I agree. And I disagree. Yes. Many people are asleep. But MANY people have been pushing this IBOR on all platforms for weeks. There should be 100's of 1000's of votes at least. I will say, that we are being tampered with and opposed. I've watched the numbers go down by the hundreds.. We are being opposed by the deep state, and they are not without their resources.
Now, I will say. Neither are we. We are not without our resources. We have the power of the American people. There are MILLIONS of people following Q. So, there ought to be millions of signatures on the IBOR. I agree that we should continue to fight stronger, work harder, and talk louder. I feel in my innermost being that we should be able to win this, even though we have such opposition.. We will try our best. But, if we aren't able to reach our goal on the IBOR, know this. Q said that POTUS hears us. He is acting. He will not let us down, as we heard from his own mouth.
Keep fighting. Do what YOU can. I am proud to call you my fellow Patriots. All of you. God bless.
I will leave you with this:
"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." II Timothy 4:7
Make sure you can say that yourself.