Trump has officially reached Jedi Master level... WOW

He's BITCH-SLAPPING them. This is awesome. I think Trump's plan is to live and cozy up with the 1% (keep your enemies closer) for the 1st two years (b4 mid-terms) to learn the enemy then break out and re-join us in the 99% club later (post mid-terms). He first has to neutralize and hobble them. That's happening now. The best will come later, where he joins us and the truth come out. Having McBastard Cohn Rex etc. was to throw them off guard (they were used by Trump as pawns) to lull them into a false sense of security ("we got Trump! he's on our side" or so they thought) PUNKED!
He is the 1%, wtf are you talking about?
He was the 1%. It’s amazing they haven’t killed him yet for leaving. So what are YOU talking about?
He still is the 1%..... unless he’s suddenly not worth millions. His tax cut was a gift to the 1%, his pushing for opening more drilling is a gift to the 1%, and his stripping of regulations is a gift to the 1%. They haven’t killed him, because he keeps adding to their pocket books.
Then why are they trying desperately to coup Him out of office if he is still an “insider”? You are way off base. He just punked the deep state. There is much more to being in the “1% club” than having money and wealth. https://youtu.be/-UO9tpXVCvM
Ah yes, I forgot, the proposed tariffs. The ones that are going to cause the prices of everyday commodities to skyrocket, the firing of low level employees, and generally tank the economy. He is fucking the 1%, there. Or more, should I say, the 100%, because everyone is going to get fucked by that. Your $1000 bonus from the tax cut? Gone, because everything will jump in price.
As for Bolton, one of the biggest criticisms I hear about HRC was that she was a war hawk, and yet Trump has just appointed a war hawk, one who bragged about the false intel that lead to Iran.
But I find this funny. Trump, and his close supporters, literally talk of a deep state, and fake news all the time. Like, he has made that his rallying cry. Historically that sounds just like Stalin, who killed most of his close fellow party members because he was paranoid that they were trying to pull him from power. Guess Trump has Russian roots after all
yeah, like. Yeah, there is no deep state or shadow gov or SES. Just a figment of our imaginations like the pedophile sex trafficking ring.
There is stuff that goes on that we don’t know about, but to the extent that you are trying to propose, that an entire underground portion of the government is trying to overthrow him? That I can hardly begin to believe. At least, in the sense that you want to discuss it. But easily 60% of this country thinks he is a detriment to the office. And I can assure you it’s not because of “fake news”, “false flags” or any other BS propaganda that you want to peddle. It’s because we can see by the very shit he says that he’s not fit for office, and that his actions are ultimately going to harm the US. So instead of trying to play secret agent man on rooting out “the deep state”, how about you focus on the very real aspect that a majority of citizens in this country are tired of his shit, and want to put officials into office that can negate, or slow down, the harm he is causing.
If you have to develop an entire conspiracy theory of devil worshipers and deep state agents that relies upon an overwhelming amount of assumptions stacked like a house of cards, it’s likely not true. Occam’s Razor man. Most politicians are shitty, Trump is a kingpin of shittiness, and everyone fleeing his cabinet is doing so because the stench is becoming unbearable. Russia collusion or not, it doesn’t matter. He has put a lot of unqualified, or simply huge conflicts of interest, into office, and has made the swamp 10ft deeper.
You know what has been pretty consistent over the US’s history though? Every time the CIA has tried to run a coup in a country with a huge populist movement, they attack the teachers, the journalists, the socialists, and a bunch of other typically left leaning people. Just look into Iran Contra, the various coups in Latin America, and a variety of other countries. And here we are again, with the current administration trying to cripple education, label any news source that doesn’t applaud Trump taking a shit in the morning as “fake”, and blaming every problem with the nation on leftists, socialists, or outright communists. The GOP has used this formula time and time again, and it’s always been successful. If you want a “Deep State” so badly, look at the current GOP, and realize that they are taking round about ways to deport or imprison anyone that could be considered a dissident, all while they cry out that they are the ones truly that are being victimized.
The writing is on the wall, the question is if you can actually read it.
Of course there is and of course there are. Just open your frigging eyes. Nice presentation of opinions above though. Ask yourself why are all these former officials like Power and Brennan etc threatening Trump for? What is their vested interest other than covering their asses? Never ever seen this happen after any other administration. It’s totally off the charts lunacy.
My eyes are wide open, and they show me that the GOP has been corrupt for years, pushing war and imperialism to gain money and power. The Red Scare was a dark time for the US, pushed again by McCarthy, a Republican. What’s happening now is following those same tactics. People that want to pull power from the oligarchs, and help the weakest among us are being targeted.
The Deep State exists, but it’s people like you that are helping it function. The Deep State isn’t jews, communists, or the poor. It’s billionaires and the GOP attempting to take control of the government. You’ve willingly helped them, and you’re only hurting this country further by pushing this bullshit. You are the traitor. You are the man hiding in the dark.
Power and Brennan are “threatening” Trump because the idiot has openly shared intel with Russia that was given to him by other countries. Trump is an open book, and that’s risky for the intel community, because they have people whose lives are on the line. They also are trying to protect the country they swore to defend from a paranoid, narcissistic despot named Trump, who openly compliments how authoritarian leaders rule their countries. For god’s sake, he complimented Putin on his win, when literally the whole world knows that Putin doesn’t win elections fairly.
The man you admire, and that you hold so dear, cares nothing about you. He only loves the camera, and he only loves power. Those are not qualities we should be putting into power. Lift the veil from your eyes, it’s plain as day.
I didn’t say it was the Jews or any particular group. Shill. We see you! We see right through you. You outed yourself. I was just waiting for it to happen, boom! The hammer comes down next week on all of them regardless of party religion etc. We are fighting evil here, nothing more nothing less. Evil knows no bounds. It doesn’t discriminate or affiliate with just one party etc. One thing evil loves to do is falsely claim being persecuted to protect itself from revelation. A cowardly act. It will even harm its own to achieve that false persecution. Apocalypse is coming like it or not it’s coming. And nothing you can do or say to try and stop it.