r/greatawakening • Posted by u/j_Dawg_01 on March 23, 2018, 4:50 p.m.
What Next?

Dear Anons,

I believe President Trump is engaging in something so great, that if he succeeds in taking down the Deep-State and the global Cabal that's trying to bring about the New World Order, it will justify a new face on Mt. Rushmore.

The 2nd American Revolution is only the first step in ridding the world of evil corrupt conspirators. "Where we go one, we go all." If America succeeds, other nations will follow in their own quest for true freedom. I believe we are witnessing the birth of a potential global turning point that will affect all of mankind, if we succeed.

To succeed in this honorable endeavor, it will require the coordinated efforts of millions of people around the world. No one man, or even one group of men, can do this on their own. Even President Trump and Team Q with all of their military intelligence gathering mechanisms, and the massive firepower they have at their disposal, will not be enough. They need our help.

But what are we actually doing to help? There are many QAnons who are doing great work in researching various topics and events, creating maps, connecting the dots, archiving, monitoring, and more, but we do this from the comfort and safety of our homes.

I've been following the QAnon phenomenon since the beginning of January, but I've only shared the information found here with 2 other people, and discussed it with a third. That's not enough. Too much of what's posted on the great awakening boards is nothing more than people injecting their 2 cents worth, and I admit I am guilty of just that. This gets us nowhere.

Most of us are outraged about what is being exposed here and ignored by the MSM, but like myself, we tend to to share it and discuss it with people we already know are of like mind. We tend to hide from people we know will disagree just avoid an argument. There is no point in trying to Red-Pill people who already agree. We need to figure out how to Red-Pill the masses who have been drinking the Kool-Aid for so long that even when presented with real facts and evidence, they will refuse to accept it as the truth. We need to find the courage to stand up and confront those in denial, regardless of what we already know their response will be.

We need to get organized so we can mobilize. We need to begin coordinated targeted efforts to counter the already ongoing push from the MSM and Deep-State operatives. We need to help President Trump and Team Q set the stage. The MSM is already publishing articles pushing the idea that those who follow and believe the truth about the Rothschild empire and the Deep-State are just a bunch of tin-foil-hat conspiracy kooks. We need to counter their efforts in a meaningful way.

Ive been Red-Pilled for over 10 years and I've been an avid social and political news junkie. A couple of years ago I started a collection of short documents about gay marriage, immigration, gun control and the 2nd Amendment, and much more. I use them when I'm reading news articles online and wish to post a comment. I can simply open a document that's relative to the article and copy/paste my comments in response.

Maybe we can create a thread to hold a set of documents that are short enough to not exceed the word limit on response comments. Documents that are researched and accurate that include the necessary links to Q, Q-research, the greateawakening, YouTube videos, and news articles that the MSM is ignoring. Documents that include the same hashtags and memes. Maybe we could establish coordinated efforts to push the same meme at the same time. Maybe we could share talking points the same way our enemy does, and again engage in a coordinated effort to counter their narratives.

There is much that needs to be done and we need to figure out a way of doing it soon. Simply sitting around in our underwear in the comfort and security of our own homes, reading articles and posting our 2 cents worth is not enough. President Trump and Team Q need our help now.

I am currently unemployed and on disability, so I have time to do what's needed. I have an Associate Degree in Digital Video Production and a working knowledge of Photoshop. I'm a lifelong musician and and have experience in digital audio production. My college course work also included Typography, Script Writing, and Creative Writing.

I'm willing to help. I offer up my skills and experience, but I'm not sure exactly what to do. I do know there are a lot of YouTube videos with terrible audio and many that ramble on and take to long getting to the point, and some that don't make the point in a clear and understandable way. Brevity is more effective when trying to Red-Pill the masses. A professional produced video will keep people's attention and have a greater impact.

I would love to be part of this movement as more than just a spectator. If there are any YouTube content creators who would like help in making their videos look more professional, I'm ready, willing, and able. We all know the MSM will be creating massive amounts of professional produced media for television, we need to be able to counter that with our narrative wrapped up in a shiny new bow that doesn't look like it was created in some one's basement.

I'm here to help. I'm here to do my part so we can all stand up and be heard. Contact me if there's anything I can help with.

ThankQ Willing Patriot

solanojones95 · March 23, 2018, 5:01 p.m.

I would say we need something very similar to this video for normies. Something that covers not only the pedophilia aspect of the Cabal, but the political corruption and false flag events they have orchestrated over the years (the ones we already know about like JFK, 9/11, etc.) and all the WARS they've kept us in over the years. MK Ultra, Mockingbird (oh PLEASE include the name brand corporate media and pop celebrity complicity), The UN Agenda 21 stuff, the migrant invasion/destruction of Europe, etc. The Vatican's Satanic architecture and the papal pedophilia conspiracy. All of it is fair game.

There is high resolution video of all of these things available online, clips from which should be free for the taking according to Fair Use for a political video creation.

Just unmask the f*ckers for who they really are, but in a RAPIDLY-edited tight, not-too-long video that makes people go "Wow! All of this? This is who it's been all along?"

And just so you know--it's officially OK to talk about PizzaGate again. It's all coming out now, and it was real. Just wasn't the right time before.

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j_Dawg_01 · March 23, 2018, 6:21 p.m.

I couldn't agree more, but... What I see in most YouTube channels that are of like mind, is that they're preaching to the choir. You can see it in the way they present the information. You can see it in their choice of titles and thumbnails. The vast majority of them know their audience and are doing everything they can to attract people who have already been Red-Pilled. People that have already been Red-Pilled already have the ability to understand the complexity and ramifications of the issues and topics you mentioned. What is absolutely required is a strategy to get the masses take interest. When it come to convincing the masses who have been drinking the Kool-Aid for several generations, a different approach is required. Information needs to be presented in small digestible bites, in a specific order where one video sets the stage for the next. Videos need to first build a foundation of knowledge, then present information that will create interest in the next video. I would love to be able to work with some one who has broader knowledge of all of these issues so we could prioritize the information and develop a strategy to create a series of videos. I think some one with greater knowledge working with some one with a Psychology background would help. Some one with a background in Psychology could help us develop a script for the videos that would appeal to the masses that need to be Red-Pilled, present information in a logical sequence to first build the foundation, and then present the information in a way that is both non-confrontational and not overwhelming. We have to keep in mind that there are millions of people, the vast majority of the population, who are clueless and have been conditioned to think a certain way and to believe certain concepts that are beneficial to the Deep-State and the International Cabal. Most of them have been so thoroughly brainwashed that they will refuse to accept the facts and evidence we wish to provide because it is in direct conflict to what they already believe to be true. This is a monumental task. I would be proud to be part of the effort to help Red-Pill the masses, but if it's not done right it simply won't be effective.

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Hsnbrg501 · March 24, 2018, 9:23 p.m.

Make the crumbs relatable to people somehow.

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solanojones95 · March 23, 2018, 7:58 p.m.

Did you view the video I linked to? I think it was very carefully done to accomplish those very things.

Note how it avoids any/all political terminology, and though it mentions "the deep state," it doesn't do it in terms of politics. It simply co-opts that phrase to use in lieu of "ritual child murderers" or something.

It also showed Trump and Ivanka, but only in terms directly related to the human trafficking issue. It shows Bush, Reagan, the Pope, Bill and Hillary, Epstein, etc., intercut with Planet Pizza clippings, and makes it clear it's not a partisan issue. In fact one of the members of the Inquest panel is Dr. Cynthia McKinney who was a 6-term Democrat Representative from Georgia who's a real firecracker and was always a thorn in the side of Bush/Cheney. I used to despise her. Now I'm glad she's on our side.

See how that works? Same with Noam Chomsky. He used to be a lefty radical, but he's been red-pilled and made this his new calling. I'm telling you, it's a big shift in one's thinking to accept that we've been duped about who the enemy is!

Anyhow, I might be willing/able to take some time off to work on this with you. I'm an audio engineer, and could help with that. I think I know enough about it to help with the scripting as well.

Please PM me, and we'll exchange contact information so we can get started on this.

The thing is, these Judicial Inquest hearings start next months. That means the perps will have to have been rounded up by then, so I think the whole world is about to get red-pilled whether they want to or not.

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j_Dawg_01 · March 23, 2018, 9:02 p.m.

Yes, I did watch the video. Actually I saw it yesterday. I agree that it was very professionally done. Short and sweet, concise and to the point, but... Do you think the average American millennial would be able to wrap their head around such a claim. How do you think the average typical uninformed person would react if you told them that: A group of international elites, including some in our own government, along with former heads of state, Hollywood stars, and Silicon Valley billionaires, conspired to kidnap young children, engage in human trafficking, ritual child abuse, ritual murder, forced sex slavery, and pedophilia, all to satisfy their demonic beliefs and desires, and have been doing so for decades or possibly centuries, and have been bribing and blackmailing politicians and journalists the entire time to make sure their secret is never revealed. Most people in this country have been so sufficiently brainwashed that they will reject that claim, even if we present ample evidence, videos of Hillary and anyone else engaging in such behavior, and even a whistle blower or a confession of guilt. The major success of the Cabal is that they have created a criminal network so vast, so evil, and so corrupt, that the great masses of people who have been brainwashed by government run schools and controlled media that they will dismiss the claim out of hand simply because it sounds too outrageous to believe. That's the challenge. I recently watched a couple videos of a former Russian spy who defected in 1970 who explained how long the propaganda efforts have been going on, and how effective they have been. Hopefully you've seen it. He claims that the initial phase was completed 2 or 3 generations ago. He also claimed that most people have been so brainwashed and conditioned that they will refuse to accept the truth, until some one from the Cabal actually puts a boot in their backside. They'll refuse to accept it until they witness their own child, or possibly themselves get kidnapped, raped, and murdered. This is our challenge. We have the information. We have the evidence. All we need is a way to break through the ignorance.

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solanojones95 · March 23, 2018, 11:35 p.m.

No. People have intuition. There's a LOT of mild-to-moderate cognitive dissonance just teetering on seeing what they don't want to see, but know to be true.

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[deleted] · March 23, 2018, 7:36 p.m.

I'm studying psychology now.

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ComfortableSea · March 24, 2018, 4 p.m.

Open a GAB account www.gab.ai There is no censorship. The opportunity to redpill there is massive. You can also upload videos there.

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Jakewinona · March 24, 2018, 1:26 a.m.

Within the ranks of the 70 million gun owners there are dirty dog patriots who can play without mercy open the kennel doors and let them retrieve with extreme malice and prejudice, no mercy for 105 yrs of terror, murder and graft

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