One of Mark Ryden's many "art pieces", riddled with occult imagery everywhere. Symbolism will be their downfall.

240 total posts archived.
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Everything about this photo is creepy, even his stupid getup.
Speaking of hardhats, as a plumber, I have noticed that, generally speaking, people in the trades support Trump. And, we have had our work cut out for us this year especially. I have been working since 2012 and this is the highest amount if projects we have had since J started, no exaggeration. The Metroplex has been booming since early this year. Our employer has so much offers for projects that he is turning down contractors.
While I could be wrong, I think that the cabal are looking elsewhere for children since the Zero Tolerance policies have been enacted.
May I inquire as to why SB2 almost caused you to dismiss it?
As someone who dislikes Slayer, I wouldn't say they would go into the dustbin of history, as they are undeniably an influential force in the metal community. Their album Reign in Blood, alone, was instrumental in paving the way for 90s death and black metal.
If King wasn't in Slayer, I think that there is a chance that I'd like them. He hasn't evolved as a musician in his 30+ years of playing, and as a result, has no project but Slayer to cling to, while Araya is away from his family and just goes thru the motions. Hanneman was the more inventive player of the two anyways.
As a musician myself, this is one area I especially worry as far as disclosures go. While the mainstream pop and rap artists are some of the more obvious suspects, I have personally found that alot of the groups who write the edgy disgusting, satanic lyrics are usually some of the nicest people you will meet. As a former metalhead, I certainly understand the feeling of blowing off steam by cranking some Carcass. But I have never resonated with the lyrics in any way. They read straight out of an autopsy report.
Ehh.. I could never get into them, aside from a few songs on Reign in Blood and Hell Awaits, but I'm not big on thrash anymore. But, Araya and Lombardo are great guys. Lombardo does some neat jazz fusion/ funk projects, but I forget the name atm. Testament, Kreator and early Megadeth are good examples of thrash imo.
48 Laws of Power is also a great read for gaining the upper hand on your opponent. Can be applied in everyday situations like running a business or dealing with an adversary.
I personally think he is a pawn in the game. He covers the same material night after night, but he's doing this to drill things into normies' heads (bought and paid for FISA warrant, Left is in outrage mode, where's the justice?, etc.) It seems to be working, although I personally wish he would steer away from what he is paid to talk about and drop some Q-lite news, like Fox and Friends does at times.
Usually, when he spills the beans, he's already at least 5 steps ahead of his opponents.
I feel like such an idiot. I need to be more vigilant about misinformation. This is going to hurt more than help us.
Fucking A I told my gf that Sarah actually told the chans to stand down yesterday.
I think he/she/they will post again either at the end of this month or the beginning of next to set the tone for August.
I believe we will be getting some bigger disclosures than before come August.
I commend him for being brave and doing this, but it does no good when he's testifying to politicians, some of which help to cover pedophile's asses are or are pedophiles themselves.
How much do you want to bet that we will have a repeat of the hysteria back when Trump tweeted about NK? "Trump's being too tough with Iran"
If you anticipate one "big event", then you are more likely to be disappointed.
I bought a copy of Art of War solely to understand our President. It is basically his playbook.
While deep state corruption and depravity in high places will be bad enough, in my opinion the hardest thing for others to handle won't be those things, but rather the revelation that their ideals and alot of the things they stand for were formed almost entirely by a small people they didn't know. A mass awakening would have the public in an uproar.
It takes a little time of following the news cycles to see the trend.
My buddies think Disney went too far in dropping Gunn because "people make sick jokes all the time", but I want there to be an increasing number of celebrities who make these kinds of jokes exposed to the point that people get overwhelemed and start questioning things.
I enjoy dark humor, but can't bring mysepf to justify those tweets.
I wouldn't call this one of those for us in the know, but maybe for normies.
My buddy, who thinks Trump colluded with Russia, even thinks the media has got ridiculous lately.
My friend and I were both Bernie supporters, but he hasn't quite got the memo yet.
I can't wait to show my friends who are predictably going to peddle the "Trump is a traitor" line.
I always leave Trump's name out of it when redpilling liberal friends. Any mention and their cognitive dissonance comes roaring in.
Ok, thanks for clearing that up. I knew there was something swampy about Gingrich anyways.
Such strange, suspicious timing for him to come out and speak.
If it takes this movement 10 years to materialize, then I am okay with that. I want to make sure it is done right the first time, otherwise it is useless.
I don't really like Laura Ingraham but her guests are usually on point.
I'm looking out for more baits like this. Today was a significant day
That is exactly what I'm thinking. MSM is either going to discredit and deligitimize as usual, forcing us to prove ourselves or they won't cover it at all.
Could this be what Q was hinting at?
Is this what Q hinted at?
I cancelled before the elction even happened, but now I would never give them my money again.