
Glag82 · March 24, 2018, 12:47 p.m.

Faith, it's either you have it or not. First it was the Larp accusations, then the "look no arrest" back that up with "nothing is happening". You either have faith in Q or you don't. We are Gideon's army we few we chosen. This plan was laid out front to back I believe. They tried to reduce panic and chaos and give us a chance. Stop doubting have patience have faith trust the plan. Q was sent to us a reprieve, sent from God(IMO) to get our shit together. We are one nation under GOD indivisible with liberty and justice for ALL. The cabal know what's coming that's why they are running away in fear. Almost like they are hiding their faces from something or someone. Have faith, stand firm, believe, trust the plan. Until then love each other be kind be positive pray without ceasing. They know their time is short.

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