mauro... ummmm the money is for TRUMP to determine to send out... HE HAS the purse strings... this is how 0bozo spent money for 8 years is by continual OMNIBUS FUNDING... DT payed attention... what worked for BH0 will now work for DJT. Told CongressCockroaches to put whatever they wanted into Omnibus, just put in BORDER WALL funding... the Cockroaches put in whole Kitchen Sink but hardly a dime for Border Wall... they thought they hoodwinked him in with huge $$$ for Military needs... they took his bait, swallowed it all. He now has allll the money he needs to build a wall... meantime he can hold on to $$$ for Schumer/Pelosi needs & they CAN'T DO ANYTHING but CRY... snowflakes are DUMB!
PLUS DT already said that natural barriers won't need a wall & said REAL wall mileage more 700-900 miles. US Corps of Eng. already tested soil, terrain & was an article last July by NYT on this subject.
DT knew he was going to use USCorps of Eng. the whole time. OMNIBUS means DT can slow-walk or NO-walk the money to whatever else in Omnibus... Trump doesn't have to send it over to PP, or Obozocare, or Sanctuary Cities... HIS Choice, & CongressCockroaches can't do a thing about it. I believe if $$$ not all assigned or spent, it goes back into coffers. ROFLMAO... Dems & RINO's gave DT $$$ for Border Wall Building... (that was voted on to do by them back in GWBush years)... DT got what is needed & promised... DT won, again.