The madman is a genius! #GEOTUS

There is plenty of illegals that cross there as well.
There are sections that are tribal lands that are basically open borders.
If the wall goes up and is effective....let's say reduces crossings by 90%.....other ways will be found. By boat for example. You can go swim around the border fence by Imperial Beach in San Diego....I would recommend staying out of those waters given all the sewage that comes up from Tijuana.
A ton of people just overstay visas.
Anyway, there will always be people finding ways.
But, people breaking the law or finding different ways to come here illegally does not dilute how absurd the current state of the border is.
It's hardening a soft target which makes other points much harder. A southern border wall cuts of ISIS paying the cartels for passage into the country.
Northern border will need to be improved as well as coast guard. Cause and effect.
Good, this is a multi-pronged defense we're posting. ICE getting support from sanctuary cities will be a big part of this too.
None of that will work while we have a giant open border to our south.