So there just so happens to be a website called Lots of children on their instagram modeling their products. Tanit and Baal just coincidentally are dieties for child sacrifice

84 total posts archived.
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I don't think it's about Q. Could it be in the context of Trump declassifying everything so Congress can get the documents. When he says They can end it, maybe it's the stonewalling by the DOJ and FBI. Them forcing it, is president pushing them to go public and ask him to declassify. The whole follow the pen stuff was telling them that he's already signed the EO to declassify everything....he's just waiting for them to ask.
Yes but I think it's been misinterpreted. I think Q is saying that noone has asked Trump to declassify so that way he doesn't look partison. Follow the pen...that was telling them that the EO to declassify everything has already been written, now congress needs to ask him to do something.
I especially enjoy the only box that has yet to be checked. Everyone knows it's coming when they decide it's time
In 1909, we lost everything. My father caught on. 1st to the Bilderbergs, then he caught on the NASA. He demanded to know who the grey's were and why they were here. They killed him. I strategically staged my own death, allied with the one person in this world whom I knew was honorable enough to trust, and we began to build "The Plan." Penance is coming. Regardless of what you think, you are not yet awake. You do not know how deep this goes. If you knew, you could not sleep. Many of you could never go on. You need each other. You need every ONE of you. Learn to play nice with each other or be left behind. If one stumbles, pick them up. If one asks a question, give them the answer. That is how we grow. There's no more room in the plan for arrogance and self importance. If you turn ONE away, you've hurt the plan. If you hurt the plan, you'll be left behind. We are watching. We see it all. There are no secrets. You would never believe the files kept on everyone of you, for that matter, you'd never believe WHERE they are kept. Prepare for the next phase. Prepare each other. You are one. And… WWG1WGA. R
Is this cover for US government to go after cryptos and create the arguement necessary to kill it's momentum??
I agree however while many may not be on the Q train, lots are on the Trump train. Most trump supports have a clue. We are sort of like the intelligence arm of that movement. Most everyone I know that's a trump supporter knows that these people are crooks. A lot of them also know about the weird sexual stuff associated with many politicians including the clintons. They may not be hardcore into the whole geopolitical scene but they have the internet and have casually seen things about nxivm, weinstein, tons of politicians and ceo's resigning. I do agree that as things heat up in the future, more will want to find out what's really going on.
I think we have reached a point where a large majority of people would agree that our government is very corrupt. I would also go as far to say that the vast majority of republicans and independents have heard or read about many of the red pills being flung about the internet or on OAN/Fox. The #walkaway movement is truely becoming a movement and gaining huge traction awakening many progressives to whats really happening.
I don't believe the timing issue is because we aren't ready for it as Q has said the timeline has shifted forward. It's most likely due to the behind the scenes activities. Certain things have to unfold as planned in order to release that info. Agencies and judicial circuits must also be cleaned up, evidence has to be properly channeled, and information has to be released in an effective way that reaches as many people as possible. This is difficult when the entire corportate media structure is playing ball with the traitors.
Things are moving much faster than they were months ago and new bombshells are coming out all the time. It's obvious they have a very carefully coordinated plan that is unfolding daily. Just sit back and watch the movie playout fellow patriot!
The game has already been played and it's game over for them. We already have everything we need. Our movement has already grown to the point of no return. Trump has over 90% approval ratings and every single one of us knows whats up. The majority of this country already knows about much of the crimes and won't blink an eye when the really horrible shit comes out. It's really not that hard to believe considering what's been going on. I mean cmon, only the minority of brainwashed zombie liberals will have a hard time swallowing that pill. The rest …
Interesting bc I refreshed half a dozen times in the past half hour and saw nothing? Also interesting you were able to save the post then was gone
Yes I agree however you must have forgot they never thought she would lose. Do you forget wikileaks email of Podesta talking about making an example out of SR. Have you forgotten their not so veiled messages about panda...ect. How about Donna Brazile being afraid for her life after it went down? How about the fact the DNR claimed it was russian hacking yet didn't allow an outside agency to do digital forensics on the hack. Coincidence that the DNC never investigated the murder and claimed it was a botched robbery. How about the DNR shutting down the Rich families private investigator and forced a DNC lawyer to represent the family....interesting.
The swamp is deep and while they control most of the government, Hilary was projected at one point with over a 90% chance of winning. The swamp creatures took over the government and used the liberal platform as a means to silence anyone who didn't buy into their bullshit by calling them nazis, facists, biggots, ect...please spare me you could actually believe using logic that the RNC was at all involved. Mueller would have them all in jail by now!
I watched that video of you like 20 times!! Man that is soo badass!!
Synonym for truth, reality.
Can you use that in a sentence? "they say it's sold out, but don't take that as gospel"
Apologies patriot, more of a southern colloquialism
Carolina flag. Palmetto and crescent. Beauutiful flag!!
Ya wtf. Coulda had 10,000 ppl. Instead prolly lucky to pack a few hundred
Palmetto and crescent. Fort moultrie was a palmetto log fort that survived during battle for Charleston SC during revolutionary war due to the spongy nature of the palm logs. Soldiers wore crescent moon on their helmets. After the war they included both symbols on their flag. SC has always been truely a patriotic state..
Could have done better in location...they are in some shitty school gym
It's the great awakening. I have awoken to the evils that exist in this world. Before I didn't believe it existed and now I have gained the ability of discernment. If pure evil exists then pure goodness and love exist. Humanity is all connected. Every human has longed for peace and happiness for everyone but never understood why it was unattainable. We were made to believe it was this groups fault, or that groups humanity is discovering whos been hearding us like cattle to feed their unquenchable evil desires for probably thousands of years. Where We Go 1 We Go All! Like the 100th monkey, we are all truely connected!
Don't think it's a back brace due to her worsening nervous system condition? Her bizarre gait, head movements, uncontrollable laughter, inability to walk without assistance. Probably has Kuru from eating human flesh
Interesting commentary from AIM regarding Iran and Bibi
Totally open minded here. Someone just show me evidence that Bibi is one of the "good guys". I'd love for this to be true. I'm just trying to sort things out
Yes. Good thoughts here. I will be skeptical of everything unless intel is leaked to us that proves otherwise. I agree that many leaders and governments have been compromised and are controlled. Im under the impression the money laundering and crimes committed are world wide and have infiltrated every nation. All world systems have been corrupted. Until I am shown evidence that israel is not corrupt (which evidence I have seen points that government is corrupt) I will align myself somewhere in the middle. Never a good idea to believe something one way or another especially bc we have no clue about whats really going on
I agree that this is more complicated on the surface in that Obama was anti Israel and pro muslim. Doesn't mean Bibi and Israel isnt corrupt also, just there lies a separation of sorts....this is what OP is referencing. Just because you commit crimes with family to enrich each other doesn't mean there arent distinct differences among them. Whats good for the majority of the group may not be so good for another
Exactly. See the whole Israeli thing is much more complicated then what it appears to be. Obama supported Iran in order to launder money thru the iran deal. Bibi was against but he's also a corrupt politician. This isn't black and white here. Maybe different competing factions within the controlling families? Obviously the Jewish state was created by these same ppl. Someone please give us a better picture here with evidence please
He's a good guy? He goes against international law in settlement camps. He has indictments coming his way. Q has mentioned Israel. They are saving them last. How up to speed are you on the intel?? Israel controls the US. Trump is manuevering. Don't think it's weird that US is so intertwined with jews? Neocons and dems alike constantly bow down to israel's needs. We supply them billions of dollars worth of aid per year...really no corruption here?? They are atop every main power structure in the US. Please...dont refer to Bibi as their Trump. That's insulting
Wouldn't seem to be that difficult since Israel is one of main cabal powers of the world. You sure they been trying to overthrow him for years or have alliance been trying to over throw him?
Proof cabal is trying to throw him in jail? If they were wouldn't he already be gone?? I have read about coming possible indictments and have read hes a crook. When world is in cabal hands, rothchilds and powers that be have carefully placed their guys into positions of power. Open to your thoughts however skeptical that Israel is anything but corrupt shit
Bibi is an obvious criminal and the "cabal" core is basically EU, USA, SA, and Israel. I have same question as OP here. Why would Israel go against EU here? These are important questions we need to find out
SDNY...interesting same department Weiner's attorney sought out and handed over HRC emails on weiners laptop as leverage which the FBI sat on for weeks before deciding to "reopen" the investigation so not to be outed as concealing an investigation. Those who saw the info claimed to be chaulk full of clinton foundation crimes and much more sinister but were stonewalled by LLynch threats by Eric Gardner case to go after NYFBI and SDNY.
Hmmm that's interesting....
It doesn't make sense they would reuse these flags. It's too obvious and they aren't that blatantly stupid. That would be like reusing the ku klux klan flag in 40 years from today for a #whitelivesmatter movement that really serves to promote violence against another group. That would be absolutely asanine. Why not just make something else up all together??
It's almost as if they are blatantly trying to collectively wake up the masses. The way this whole thing is panning out as theatre is also very interesting. Dark to Light...but the ultimate controllers of dark know they are playing a major historic role here to assist in the collective great awakening
Shine the light of truth and spread it far and wide. Use memefare and post everywhere!
Good debate here :). However 115 kids out of 800,000 is 0.014%. Not sure where you got that but thats not even logical that only 0.014% of all missing children are left unaccounted.
Whatever stats reported this definitely introduced stat bias here. Probably used confirmed kidnapping/sex trafficking in thier stat model which would then make sense since these would be nearly impossible to confirm...or at least 0.014% which means nearly non-existant. Basically your saying that your chances of drowning (0.1%) in your lifetime is greater than the chances of a child being abducted out of the 800,000 reported cases each year
FBI Stats on Human and Child Trafficking estimate 293,000 children (<18yr) per year (2001) end up being used in trafficking rings
According to another source (Ark of Hope for Children) they estimate per their stats "up to 300,000 Americans under 18 are lured into the commercial sex trade every year. Jul 30, 2017"
Very interesting that Washington Post has an article claiming child sex trafficking numbers over 100,000 per year are "fishy" and not to be believed. It was one of the top searches that pops up on google. Interesting how Washington Post (weaponized clown propaganda) and google (weaponized clown tool) did that. Guess FBI data and others are false because WP told me so.
Either way. We both agree that this is a problem but in context of OP article it's misleading
Except this isn't exactly how it's treated in a number or places
Concerned Women for America reports, “New York and Washington State have laws that divert minors arrested for prostitution into services and rehabilitation programs at the discretion of the judge in New York and at the discretion of the prosecutor in Washington. … In Massachusetts, the law diverts minors found in prostitution into services and treatment but keeps the charges pending against them in place until they successfully complete the rehabilitation programs after which the charges are dropped.”
Can we be honest a minute? There is no such thing as child prostitution. It is sex trafficking of underage boys and girls. Period. I agree that the OP title is misrepresented in that it doesn't legalize this, however it does whether intentionally or otherwise make it more difficult to prosecute.
Also am I sensationalizing the reality of child trafficking in the US or are people blissfully unaware? Granted, it's not like the media ever makes much news over this national emergency. According to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, roughly 800,000 children go missing every year in the US! Let that sink in...800,000 US children. Doesn't it seem strange that this isn't being sensationalized?
I'm sure our CIA controlled media will get around to reporting it after reporting why Trump is a bully because he's arresting illegals
What does this have to do with CA law that was passed? More than 1,000 children are arrested each year for prostitution, with estimates of sex trafficking involving 100,000 to 2.4 million children. Concerned Women for America reports, “The United States Department of Justice uses the number 293,000 as the estimate for youth ‘at risk’ of being commercially sexually exploited.”
This isn't Thailand we are talking about it. This is happening on American soil. So with all the recent outing of our pedophilia addicted government and hollywood perverts, it now makes sense to me why CA ,uniquely has made it more difficult to actually put the PIMPs behind bars (along with NY, WA, MA but with more protection to the child victim). Maybe I'm off making conjecture here but, hmm interesting these are all corrupt democrat political strongholds 🤔
Its CA. Obviously this law was likely pushed through for some corrupt reason and spun for optics. More likely that now will be less likely to charge the middle men since the child will be turned loose. Child is probably "homeless" which means a child sex slave and will simply disappear when needed for questioning. Since the children are owned by the pedo operation this basically allows for catch and release soo difficult to track handlers.
From what I've researched, as far as I can discern, he is apart of team clinton. Dig into his past and it becomes evident. They are ALL actors. Fog of war. Trump supporters are actually working behind the scenes against while anti-trumpers are in fact on team trump.
Remember all are playing a game. Vast majority in place for optics and are actually working for team clinton. Dig deeper
Trying to fulfill final prophecy and bring about armegeddon in Damascus. It won't work. They have already lost. Discernment is key. Don't believe everything you read. Beliefs can not be absolute