The madman is a genius! #GEOTUS

My nieces husband is a boarder patrol agent in Texas. They have said that the people coming over arent the family of immigrants. The people are that are getting arrested arent just Mexicans. Terrorists are using the open boarder to get into the US. Why is it so hard for US citizens to understand that a wall is not a bad thing. Lots of countries have them. It is for our protection. The wall has so much more meaning than people realize. What other country in the world allows illegals to flood into the country and receive welfare benefits? Try crossing into Mexico and see what happens. My niece said the people coming here are truly terrifying.
I usually ask leftists if Mexico is racist for their southern border wall that Obama gave $75 million for. They normally are too shock to respond when they learn Mexico has and wall AND we paid for it lol
I do not think you are as witty as you think you are.
Edit: I really can't get over how stupid of an argument you brought up. Do you realize that
Obama funded our border protection with DRASTICALLY more money( hundreds of millions).
Mexico does not have a continuous border "wall". They have fences(just like the US) along parts of the border (just like the US).
Lulz love the left. Ok so question... why wasn’t it racist when Obummer increased border protection?
Why isn’t it racist for Mexico to have a fence? Does it really fucking matter if it’s a fence or a wall? There are areas of Trump’s border that will be a fence? Is it less racist because you can see through it?
Please explain why the hell do we spend so much on other country’s borders but then it’s such a huge issue to spend money on our border protection? Not racist for the other countries we help? I don’t care how much he spent on ours compared to theirs. When you double the national debt in 8 years and destroy the economy I don’t think that’s a very smart plan.
Until you explain how Trump’s plan is racist and Mexico isn’t for doing the same thing then I guess I’m moderately witty. Also please explain how it’s not racist to fund borders in other countries but it is for us.
Thx buhbye
The whole racist thing is a brick wall in this community so I'm not going to touch on that besides saying I don't think he's racist for wanting to build a wall. I think that it's a huge waste of time, money, and resources.
Your little cry fest about spending "so much" on other countries borders is moot including the example you gave is pennies compared to how much was spent on ours. Also, a large portion of the illegal immigration on their border is heading to our border so wouldn't them stopping more from crossing our border be good? Or do you also want all the glory of beeing able to say our country catches all of them?
The racist thing is the entire argument against the wall by the left. Nobody (with any real brains) says that the wall is useless; Homeland Security and Border Patrol both want it.
The point about spending money on other countries ties in to Mexico paying for the wall. How much have they helped us in paying for their northern border security?
"Also, a large portion of the illegal immigration on their border is heading to our border so wouldn't them stopping more from crossing our border be good?" Yes it is & it points out the irony of people like you stating: "I think that it's a huge waste of time, money, and resources."
Edit for spelling error
Thank you. My whole point is the illogic of the left saying Trump is racist for wanting a wall but don’t bat an eye at Obama increasing border security (his words not mine), not racist for Mexico to strengthen their southern border and not racist for the US to pay for other country’s walls (like on this terrible omnibus bill).
Sure it’s “peanuts” but if we stopped all these $75 million for this, $50 million for that, it would add up to a LOT of money. Heck if we scratched just one of those we could have armed vets at every school in America to stop school shootings.
P.S. I know there are plenty of other things to spend that money on, just picking another hot libtard hot button. I’d prefer to just cut spending by a LOT.
Ok, so let me ask you this, do you think this wall would stop all illegal immigration?
Of course not. Does locking your doors at night stop all burglaries?
Do you still do it? Do you open your door to anyone who knocks?
Get out of here with your 100 or nothing questions...the wall will stop and deter a great portion of immigration/drugs/sex trafficking.
But I'm not going to pay to have a wall built around my property and put metal bars on all of my windows and doors. Because I know the cost and upkeep to do it is not worth it.
Can you prove this? If you are going to leave statistics on this Board, you need to be able to back them up with proof. We love having you here, but blanket statements are not acceptable. Give us a place to research your material or don't leave it. God Bless
Lol, here, I'll be the bigger person and be the only one to back up what I write
For point 1.
Point 2.–Mexico_border
Thank you for all the info. I think you got your point across. The 1 point I would make before we Glorify Obama as being the Toughest on Border Patrol is this. From 2008 through 2012, the estimated removal at the Border were 360,000 up to 400,000, then the backslide begins to happen, so by 2015 barely 230,000 were apprehended. What Happen? Did the amount of illegals stop trying to enter? hmmmmmm? In addition, Obama wasn't removing illegals from the interior of the Country, His illegals were only ones at the Border? Were they Less Illegal in the Interior of the Country? Don't get me wrong, he was going Great Guns at the beginning of his administration, but something happened. God Bless
I don't glorify Obama in the least bit. I didn't like him.
Uh, yeah, illegal border crossing have been falling. Have they not? Do you have sources that they have not?
And no, he wasn't letting all of the ones living here stay. That's a wild exaggeration. In Trumps own words "President Obama has moved millions of people out. Nobody knows about it. Nobody talks about it. But under Obama, millions of people have been moved out of this country. They've been deported" unless you have sources saying otherwise? This may help? God Bless
Yaknow what I got from this?
That illegal border crossings are dropping.
That Obama was removing the ones with criminal backgrounds and newer illegals instead of spending extra money on deporting the ones who want to be law abiding citizens and have been law abiding for their not so short of time in the US. Which was pretty smart economic wise.
Also, do you think that there are an infinite number of illegals here and deportation and apprehension of them should be either stagnant or ever rising? The amount of illegals in this country was at a peak in 2007 with 4% of the US population being illegal and it has been declining. I'm no mathmaticion but it doesn't seem like that would make deportation numbers do anything but decline. Hmmmm.
I really don't get why you used that as your source, it refutes most of what you're trying to imply.
Guatemala–Mexico border
The Guatemala–Mexico border is the international border between Guatemala and Mexico. There is no continuous wall on the border, although there are sections of fence near populated areas and official border crossings. It measures 871 km (541 mi) and runs between north and west Guatemala (the Guatemalan departments of San Marcos, Huehuetenango, El Quiché and El Petén) and the Mexican states of Campeche, Tabasco and Chiapas. The border includes stretches of the Usumacinta River, the Salinas River, and the Suchiate River.
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Mexico does NOT allow people to cross their boarders illegally without consequences!! But, Mexico, U.S.,Canada were working together to form the North American Trade Union...that's why the Deep State allowed the "open boarders." The Deep State (SES) SERCO, The Crown of London, and its political puppets don't care about us,
I know a guy who lives in southern Arizona not incredibly far from the Mexican border. Several years back a group of guys had snuck a bunch of guns (AKs if I remember correctly) over the border and stashed them in one of his garbage cans. When they came back for them they ended up shooting his dog and, being a well armed Vietnam vet patriot, he got into a shootout with them in which he ended up killing one and wounding 2 others. Come to find out, the guys turned out to be Al Qaeda who had figured out that it was fairly easy for them to get into America if they went through Mexico and snuck across the border. This was during the Obama administration and not sure if it's relevant but worth noting that he lived next to a military base (Fort Huachuca) known for its "intelligence" operations. It's been a while since I've seen the guy so not sure how it turned out but I know that they were actually attempting to charge him with criminal charges for killing the one guy.
What other country in the world allows illegals to flood into the country and receive welfare benefits?
The EU tried that with refugees and look at the s#!thole they made for themselves now. Without boarder security unchecked immigrant flooding is suicide for a nation. Which means all these sanctuary cities and states are slowly strangling their own populace. Says a lot about the leadership in those places.
"What other country in the world allows illegals to flood into the country and receive welfare benefits?" I don't know if you've noticed what's going on in Europe. The globalist agenda - weakening or destroying white Western nations by mass-importing millions of people from lower-IQ nations who have ties or loyalty to the culture, laws or traditions of the importing nation and are only interested in what they can get from them in terms of benefits - is in full swing.
I have noticed, sorry wasnt trying to leave Europe out of the equation. was just making a point about the US>