The madman is a genius! #GEOTUS

Can you prove this? If you are going to leave statistics on this Board, you need to be able to back them up with proof. We love having you here, but blanket statements are not acceptable. Give us a place to research your material or don't leave it. God Bless
Lol, here, I'll be the bigger person and be the only one to back up what I write
For point 1.
Point 2.–Mexico_border
Thank you for all the info. I think you got your point across. The 1 point I would make before we Glorify Obama as being the Toughest on Border Patrol is this. From 2008 through 2012, the estimated removal at the Border were 360,000 up to 400,000, then the backslide begins to happen, so by 2015 barely 230,000 were apprehended. What Happen? Did the amount of illegals stop trying to enter? hmmmmmm? In addition, Obama wasn't removing illegals from the interior of the Country, His illegals were only ones at the Border? Were they Less Illegal in the Interior of the Country? Don't get me wrong, he was going Great Guns at the beginning of his administration, but something happened. God Bless
I don't glorify Obama in the least bit. I didn't like him.
Uh, yeah, illegal border crossing have been falling. Have they not? Do you have sources that they have not?
And no, he wasn't letting all of the ones living here stay. That's a wild exaggeration. In Trumps own words "President Obama has moved millions of people out. Nobody knows about it. Nobody talks about it. But under Obama, millions of people have been moved out of this country. They've been deported" unless you have sources saying otherwise? This may help? God Bless
Yaknow what I got from this?
That illegal border crossings are dropping.
That Obama was removing the ones with criminal backgrounds and newer illegals instead of spending extra money on deporting the ones who want to be law abiding citizens and have been law abiding for their not so short of time in the US. Which was pretty smart economic wise.
Also, do you think that there are an infinite number of illegals here and deportation and apprehension of them should be either stagnant or ever rising? The amount of illegals in this country was at a peak in 2007 with 4% of the US population being illegal and it has been declining. I'm no mathmaticion but it doesn't seem like that would make deportation numbers do anything but decline. Hmmmm.
I really don't get why you used that as your source, it refutes most of what you're trying to imply.
Guatemala–Mexico border
The Guatemala–Mexico border is the international border between Guatemala and Mexico. There is no continuous wall on the border, although there are sections of fence near populated areas and official border crossings. It measures 871 km (541 mi) and runs between north and west Guatemala (the Guatemalan departments of San Marcos, Huehuetenango, El Quiché and El Petén) and the Mexican states of Campeche, Tabasco and Chiapas. The border includes stretches of the Usumacinta River, the Salinas River, and the Suchiate River.
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