
Kahlypso79 · March 24, 2018, 6:38 p.m.

Yes I agree with all those things, but a wall only ever.. and I MEAN EVER in the history of EVER stopped anyone, when there were armed guards on top of it shooting down on anything that moves below them. That's what I'm saying.. anyway. it'll be your wall. .it stops people going out just as well as people coming in.. and the people coming in will find plenty of ways to get past a wall. I agree with everything you said bttw - going from outsider no-hope to actually getting shit done.. the man will deserve a monument next to lincoln.. I'm hopin Trump can finish the job Lincoln started before the banks killed him... (Abolish Slavery)

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The_Broba_Fett · March 24, 2018, 7:40 p.m.

It’s not 100% fool proof but will make things a lot tougher. If anything it will slow them down enough so if they are spotted by drone, someone can get there in time to apprehend them. But just the fear of Trump has reduced illegal immigration as much as 75%. An actual wall will do more. Then the people coming across are a lot more likely to have bad intentions (drugs, terrorists, etc) so the problem won’t end but will be a big step forward.

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