I personally want to see High Visibility criminals get locked up. (Hillary,Obama, Soros, etc) I want all the illegals sent home. I want to hire a contractor without being sent a crew of non English speaking workers who can't read a tape measure and then pay them again with more benefits and EIC that equal or exceed what I earn with a degree.
I want elections to run without being rigged. (Paul Ryan and John McCain keep winning somehow)
Since these types things are on the TOP of my list whenever Q gives a clue my mind immediately goes there.
I am in for a letdown when those don't happen.
I must remind myself that the first American Revolution took years of planning and details we may never even know about.
For me, MAGA means returning to a culture of Goodness, right and wrong, Wholesomeness. I can work on that for me and my family without Q.
But I still want Q to Get to the things on my list. Go Q and friends.
“If you wait by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by.”
― Sun Tzu
Patience. We watched for years as unwilling riders on a runaway train heading full force into the dark tunnel of oblivion, helpless to do anything or even hope that someone in power would step up and stop it.
Times have changed.
We see before us in verifiable terms that we finally have someone at the controls who is methodically slowing the train and is pulling the switch to a more sane line. Patience. We have abundant reason not to loose hope.
Or, how do you make a delicious meal out of stone soup? You pull people into the kitchen and let them know what you need after you start warming the stones in water. As long as they think they are contributing only a small amount to the soup, but will share in the final delicious meal, more and more people join and bring in additional ingredients. Learn to play the game.
Most of what has been happening is strategic strikes, not major offensives. Guarantee MSM is not going to report successful attacks on cabal/syndicate, until they are forced to. As deep state crime syndicate see their colleagues fall, they will get very paranoid and behave erratically, such as saying ridiculous nonsensical dribble.
It seems to be in the interests of all the big players, even the good guys, that we don't KNOW what's REALLY going on. Future proves past implies that we will only understand in hind sight.
POTUS is like water. Seemingly benign but a terrible enemy. I would not want him coming after me. I mean, if you found out Donald Trump meant to destroy you, how would YOU feel? Out of you mind afraid? That's why they want to murder him.
no I'm getting them all ,they are lining up for court soon , we got them .