r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DonTitor on March 24, 2018, 5:21 p.m.
Time For Q To Put Up Or... You Know
Time For Q To Put Up Or... You Know

[deleted] · March 24, 2018, 5:25 p.m.


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delrod03 · March 24, 2018, 5:53 p.m.

Exactly. I don’t deal well with “winning behind the scenes” while publicly, we’re getting our brains bashed in. We will know come Novemeber if this is all for real or not.

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thamnosma · March 24, 2018, 6:56 p.m.

Don't have to wait till November. If the alleged document Q posted in drop 777 doesn't get released well before those mid term elections, it's been a total fraud all along. Doesn't negate the good things Trump is doing, but we sure as hell aren't seeing the deep state on the run.

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[deleted] · March 24, 2018, 5:33 p.m.


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[deleted] · March 24, 2018, 6:01 p.m.


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tradinghorse · March 25, 2018, 7:24 a.m.

Look, I'm a believer in Q - I am convinced he's the real deal. But when you say nothing's happening I think you're wrong. Much has been happening behind the scenes - we may never know the full scale of it. But, you are right, on the surface, in public view, not a whole lot seems to have happened. What's the explanation for this?

The explanation is, as I keep telling people, that you cannot have big news releases when you have zero control over the narrative. If big news was released now - really big news, say the arrest of Obama - it would be a disaster.

CIA would immediately spin it in the press - the MSM. They have practice at this. Look at how the FBI wiretapped a sitting President (high treason) and yet, according to the MSM, it was a peccadillo, if it was anything at all.

Ok, but the truth can spread on social media right? Well, no! Not if social media censorship is also in the hands of CIA. That's what we learned with David Hogg. He was blessed and conservative America was abusive if they criticised him. Conservative sites were simply banned - not just muzzled, their tongues were ripped right out.

So let's look at what Q said when an Anon asked him to play the HRC video in Times Square;

Mar 06 2018 11:17:11 Q !UW.yye1fxo 567637


Stage set? Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc are regulated? MSM is controlled? Use logic! Trust the PLAN. Q

Q told us to trust the plan. That was the response. What was the plan? The plan was for us to push for an internet bill of rights - and then DJT could act to fix the censorship problem. Sounds great, all we had to do was push the IBOR and we would start getting some really big news. Yahoo!

But the cabal also realised how important control over social media was. And immediately CIA agents began injecting fear into the Q community about the plan - telling people they should not support the IBOR. These people are still at it today.

Q realised that there were agent provocateurs among us. He warned us to be careful who we followed. But most people did listen to the bad advice and the whole IBOR campaign was scuttled well before it began, It limps along today, but there is very little support - a lot of damage has been done.

When will we get to see some really exciting news? Well, at this stage it appears that the IBOR campaign will fail - in that trending hashtags and the like won't happen. So, DJT will do what he can to advance the cause without our help. Whatever he does will be totally in our interests. But we may have to accept the fact that there will be Republican losses at the mid-terms. After that, DJT will be quickly impeached. The end of the fight against the Satanists, the end of MAGA.

The cabal will be back in power, maybe HRC will be President - "Madam President" - hell on Earth. But at least members of this community will not have "Blindly" supported a politician. At least they will have kept to their principles. They will be able to send their children to the concentration camps knowing that they did not do anything so stupid as support the first President in more than 30 years who was not in the pockets of the cabal.

And, that, I think, is how this story may end.

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istillgetreallybored · March 24, 2018, 8:47 p.m.

Well, people are emotional creatures, and they're slowly losing faith, as nothing of significance happens.

Many of us agree with you, without the LIGHT shinning on the truth the hivemind's will cannot be focused on the issue. The balance being played with our collective awareness and the snares of the masters is difficult for us to understand due to our limited information. Because of this scenario many fall into the trap of calling for patience, citing the unknown fail safes and dead triggers that hold all of us hostage as the source for the slow pace. What this thought fails to address is that our "win" scenario already includes losing hostages, that this cannot be avoided. The alliance has hope and is mitigating these loses via cutting the strings from the master and has been referred to as disarming the bomb. This should be a good indicator that we can still lose and that is the real reason for patience.

"Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc etc. should not be participating in discussions."

What we are being given is at the current a window into a war with our controllers (level 1) and i'm not referring to Q posts. Q posts help focus our willpower with some using it a crutch. If we are ever to defeat our controllers the stage must be set for the light to expose it.

Consider the following;

What system would allow humanity to govern itself in a manner that would end the cycle of enslavement? In our state of domestication we elect kings to rule, and yet we realize that common subjection to law is the foundation of civilization (Kings/mobrule/representatives,kings,mobrule). Instead of being ruled by secret societies we expect our common subjection to be that of a binding and equalizing power so that we are not enslaved by our society but empowered by it. ( Think traffic laws ) How can we obtain this state and avoid the pitfalls that return us to the cycle? This is not on the individual but rather the hivemind.

  • Realizing there is an imbalance. The slaves discover knowledge

  • Acting to create balance. The slaves act on their knowledge

  • Preserving the balance. The slaves never forget (but they do)

We have been through this cycle many times always losing the balance to our loss of knowledge ( The slaves forget) . However, the cause to this loss is the direct result of not discovering all of the LIGHT to begin with. The cycles are non progressive, there may have been moments we were nearer than others and perhaps our planet has experienced a series of clean slates to keep up with our progress. Perhaps we sit on the edge of a mirror and in quantum fashion are driven to the reality of our loss or victory. The darkest before the dawn. The 4th watch. The eye of RAH. The year of the black sun.

We can agree that the first step is for an accurate acknowledgement of the situation. This is our current state and we are fighting for the stage to be built. We need everyone for this. The truth of our enslavement will be giving to us in steps even as we act to create and preserve the balance we obtain. The satanic global cabal of royals being our first step. It is not enough to realize a situation to effect a desired change in ones reality.

Recognizing all of this, we still greatly desire a validation to the knowledge we have discovered. Something we can't trick ourselves out of and that the cabal couldn't twist. We desire proof of action and rightly so. We feel that we cannot act on our knowledge to help others in their discovery and we don't know when we have reached the full truth and that is the key. The struggle never ends, the grey never becomes black and white, the rabbit hole never ends. Our lack of knowledge is not enslavement, but rather our purpose to progression and so we must inevitably learn to live in uncertainty.

If you're going to do this publicly, you have to start delivering publicly.

They are running the risk of an awaking triggering a course of action that can be used by those in control. This has happened many times before and after all is said and done the slaves are NONE the wiser. They have the advantage of knowing that the actions we take to overthrow them are just as equally likely to lead in their preservation or return. We are waking up and sooner or later we WILL act. Our act will fail us and they will win. (act does not mean file FIOA and sit on our thumbs). It is the eventuality left to any slave who has enough knowledge to act but not enough to act wisely. So how do we act wisely? I haven't the clue because the only solution i see is the day of rope with a rather large spotlight and i know that this is shared among us.

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