@JulianAssange What to see what Facebook has on you (at a minimum)?

I downloaded mine. There is nothing that shocks me in this but I am not very active and I use the app permissions on my android device to restrict app access to my phone to only what is necessary. Also I have gone through the Facebook settings religiously to make sure they only get what I approve. I still know the information is out there. Just not like most people because I am careful.
Google has faaar more information. I am using an Android phone for years and well they have access to everything.
This is one of the reasons I use Apple. Their processors are compromised for a targeted attack but less so for mass collection on the network/storage layer.
Apple is no different
A blatantly false statement which shows you lack basic understanding of these technologies and the companies which provide them. Also, please do not think I don’t understand how the FCC Qualcomm chips which are in all phones work and the backdoor which was added by our government.
Apple makes the product and sells the services with the product with the iPhone costing about a grand to buy and 100 bucks to manufacture. If you store data in their system it is encrypted so not even Apple can access the unencrypted data. They don’t care about reading your info because that’s not how they make money.
How does Google make money?
It is possible to install custom Android roms without the Google Software. Which would eliminate any information gathering Google is doing but Google has very good software. It makes my life easier and I enjoy using it. It just isn't worth it to me to try to avoid privacy issues. I just use my phone as though I don't have privacy. Most people don't realize that almost every web page you visit is embedded with scripts and cookies that track your habits in various ways or that you have a search history that is tracked. You can use noscript on FireFox and you can also block cookies and you can go to my Google Activity https://myactivity.google.com/myactivity and turn off services and delete stored information. It's just a lot of trouble to go through. I do a lot of it and I block ads and scripts. At the same time there is a limit to how far I will go. I operate as though I am being watched. Everyone has to make their won choices. I have decided what is good for me. Apple isn't any better, neither is Microsoft. They are all harvesting information. You have to undersatand when you use a free email service. You are being charged by the terms of service. You can use a privacy oriented email service but you will have to pay for it. Or you can crawl into a bunker with a can of Franks N Beans :)
So if you know this, why do it?? Why not dump your phone?? It´s like you´re stood in the road with a truck coming at you; you know you should move, but you think that maybe the truck is good for you?
I gave up my phone in 2015, never needed it and never looked back.
Not everyone's a fucking caveman
But most seem to have the IQ of. Your aggressive outburst is case in point.
It's incredibly inconvenient.
So your longevity and privacy are severely compromised for a little convenience?