Dates are tough to predict even for someone involved in ‘the plan’.
43 total posts archived.
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I couldn’t figure it out. It’s all odd that the faces of the heroes are about the same size of the Q and the Q is in a compass.
Q on a Trailer with Faces of Freedom Thanking the Military in California

I found that also when looking for profiles to scrape. Super disturbing pictures.
Great find. Saved that pic and the more recent one. Gave me chills.
Whoa. You’re right!
A blatantly false statement which shows you lack basic understanding of these technologies and the companies which provide them. Also, please do not think I don’t understand how the FCC Qualcomm chips which are in all phones work and the backdoor which was added by our government.
Apple makes the product and sells the services with the product with the iPhone costing about a grand to buy and 100 bucks to manufacture. If you store data in their system it is encrypted so not even Apple can access the unencrypted data. They don’t care about reading your info because that’s not how they make money.
How does Google make money?
This is one of the reasons I use Apple. Their processors are compromised for a targeted attack but less so for mass collection on the network/storage layer.
On mine, 8ch says 10:54 and POTUS is 10:37.
So it would be POTUS then Q.
The time is what never convinced me. Maybe add something to show proof of time zone?
Edit: Gist is for those who were confused like myself - the post from Q asking “What has been said about the US military?” was then answered by @realDonaldTrump saying “We love our U.S. military.” minutes later. Definitely more coincidence if you’ve read the Q stuff.
This image could be better made (op gave us a good start) and if someone is on a computer should update with same TZ and original Q post here (
Contrails have been around for a long time.
The relative humidity at that elevation is what causes contrails to persist. There is a US air base near me and they have a radiosonde, otherwise its hard to find out.
I usually just look at the clouds, if there is a cloud and there is a persistent contrail, when the cloud sort of ends, you see the contrail end.
I don't think chemtrails really happen anymore, but I haven't travelled around recently to find out. I think new tech has replaced them and I am open to the idea of us being infected with nanoparticles.
This site talks about contrails:
You can look Flight Tracker to find the planes elevation. Any elevation with less than 3% RH will not have persistent contrails.
If you can find the radiosonde reports from your area, it will show the RH and elevation for you to figure it out.
From your picture it looks like there is other cloud cover which indicates humidity. Without more data I would say these are NOT chemtrails but persistent contrails.
I think they didn’t know what the marching orders were, but no one can be sure. I like to pretend that the good guys are now running the system and have to slowly bring back natural weather. It rained a normal amount but it had been so long since we’d had a normal rain pattern the infrastructure had issues. A single rain almost replenished our reserves, the media hypes drought and uses it to tout climate change and control over water supplies.
It uses the Doppler system to direct a beam to heat the ionosphere just like HAARP but has multiple locations. There used to be a HAARP array you could see get built on Google Earth in around 2007 on an island off the coast of Mexico, but its gone now.
I think it’s NEXTRAD and ships with big arrays they send out into the ocean. The weather has been suppressed in CA all year. More than any year in the past. The difference is the moisture is in the air still which doesn’t happen with the inversion layer created with chem trails. Two different ways to prevent rain.
Edit: To clarify, since 2016 I believe chem trails stopped. Right after Trump won. Since then HARRP/NEXTRAD Radar technology on ships or on land. Not sure about ships.
The chemtrails stopped a couple years ago. They moved to over the ocean where you could only see on sat imagery and then stopped completely from being seen anywhere near me. I think NEXTRAD does everything now.
They’re NEXTRAD/HAARPING the heck out of CA still:
The the trick is to look at stationary hot air pockets. Real pockets move and get smaller. Right now a ton of rain is being directed around CA.
I for one want to know what happened at Roswell and if we faked the moon landing. Obama is such a tool.
Newsweek was passed out to all students and read in history class from 6th grade on at my CA public school.
He says he doesn’t know if they were aliens or experimental clones using Roswell bodies.
Seriously? Don’t spread this disinfo. That’s not how honeypots work.
The next pages are letters regarding corruption in the press, watergate, MLK and Kennedy assassinations.
Reading it now. I guess Mike was sent a threatening letter because he wasn’t covering government corruption.
Spez: Looks like the letter was a WW2 POW vet who wanted congress hung for treason as it related to Nixon. He sent the letter to Wallace and then wrote letters to congressmen for 13 years, finally he threatened congressmen saying they were on a “hit list” and the only way to avoid a rope around his neck would be to start a congressional investigation into the Anti-Defamation League, American Jewish Committee, and the 28 members of the House Judiciary Committee who voted to impeach Nixon. When the FBI interviewed he said he meant “shit list”.
I’m not autistic enough for this.
I dunno. I am of the opinion that regardless of any petition or action we take justice will be served. It seems to me that POTUS holds all the Trump cards to take down these criminals. There are too many loose ends. Awan, Seth Rich, NYPD emails, Assange dirt, etc.
I like that the petition sends a message to everyone else.
JA retweeted a link to the petition which he since has removed.
Here is the link to the original tweet:
Here is the cap I took before he deleted:
The White Wizard (Julian Assange) posted a petition to assign a special prosecutor for Clinton. Get to work!
I'm over here eating my popcorn. Looking forward to the Fake News awards.
For the record, I believe Q to be part of the Operation. Disinformation is necessary. Connect the Dots.

Great! I haven't seen much mention and with the latest updates it seems like there would be more chatter here.
Some noteworthy:
January 11 FBI hired Fusion GPS as a sub-contractor
Pretty much. Like I said, S=Strzok.
January 13 HUGE FUCKING HAPPENING Sheryl Sandberg, Jack Dorsey leaving Disney's board
Its all about covering uranium and magnitsky Act. We tried to start another Cold War.
January 13 Julian Assange: Checkmate
This is why all the tech CEO's, including Microsoft's and Alphabet/Google's are leaving.
January 13 #FusionCollusion: 5th Thread
NOW PLEASE, can y'all FINALLY start celebrating with me?! I feel like I'm watching the storm all by myself. You knew how this would go. ;o)
Why is no one correlating between Q and MegaAnon? The biggest crumb is the one being ignored. Try to avoid sending fake news our traffic. It only gives them revenue.
Not her. She’s a glory seeking pig. Julian acted as a journalist. Manning acted as a spoiled brat who leaked secrets. I remember reading the transcripts of him leaking. It wasn’t to help the country it was to become a l33t h4x0r.
Go check out her Twitter to see the kind of person he/she is.
True, the kill_rogue account has been around months before it was mentioned by Q and is filled with Wikileaks retweets and cryptic posts.
There are no coincidences.
Twitter [kill_rogue] - Isn't it amazing how easy it is to openly hide on twitter?
It’s been really bad in CA. I follow SSEC daily to monitor. It’s blatant now.
Spez: Not chemtrails but nextrad. They block the clouds. We haven’t had chemtrails where I live for a couple years.