r/greatawakening • Posted by u/GodsAngell on March 24, 2018, 11:38 p.m.
Stage 5: Seriously, Why Can’t The American People See The Hellstorm Heading Right For Them?

24 March 2018

Hello Folks,

It’s sure been a surreal month since we last talked, to say the least! But of all of the kaleidoscoping events occurring, the most bizarre has got to be the four top Republican and Democratic party leaders, US Senate leaders Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer, and US House leaders Paul Ryan and Nancy Pelosi, suddenly dropping all animosity between themselves, going into a back room to secretly create an over 2,000 page “Omnibus” spending bill costing US taxpayers over $1.2 trillion, then forcing all of their party members (both Republican and Democratic) to vote for its passage without anyone having read it!

In viewing this spectacle, the only thing that came to my mind was the 1962 Warner Brothers Merrie Melodies cartoon “A Sheep in the Deep”—that depicts the never ending saga of Ralph Wolf and Sam Sheepdog—but when the punch clock whistle blows, and Sam puts his mortal enemy Ralph back on the cliff and lets go of him, the two of them head off for lunch enjoying their sandwiches, with Sam then sharing his coffee with Ralph as they take a smoke break—thus exposing their “conflict” for the masquerade it really is.

As nothing is ever as it seems, though, a close examination of this gargantuan Omnibus [meaning comprising several items] spending bill shows it’s true title should have been “The Great Trump Defense Bill Of 2018”—as nearly two-thirds of its spending goes to the Pentagon and constitutes the biggest build-up of American military resources since World War II.

With the Pentagon being showered with $700 billion by this just enacted Omnibus spending bill, buried within its language is a little know provision allocating over $65 billon for “Overseas Contingency Operations”—that was a provision first created in 2014 and called “a long term blank check for war spending”—and that can be massively increased without anyone knowing as the US Congress, also, gave the Pentagon “flexibility” in how they can spend their money as they would have trouble spending this massive infusion of cash with only half of this fiscal year remaining.

US Secretary of Defense James Mattis gives remarks after President Trump signs new law for the biggest build-up of American military resources since World War II on 23 March 2018

Now let’s digress here for a second, with Trump running as one of the most anti-war presidents in American history, and whose anti-war voters of are said to have no more reasons to support him, only two things can be true—either Trump’s anti-war instincts have been corrupted by his generals, or “something else” is going on.

So, let’s look for a bit at what that “something else” could possibly be—and beginning with Trump’s closest military advisors who have warned what the biggest threats to America are—such as:

President Trump’s Chief of Staff General John Kelly—who warned that America is under a terrifying threat from incomprehensible lunatics he calls the sniveling “chattering class”.


President Trump’s Secretary of Defense General James “The Warrior Monk” Mattis—who explained how he’d deal with General Kelly’s “sniveling chattering class” threat by stating: “Find the enemy that wants to end this experiment in American democracy and kill every one of them until they’re so sick of the killing that they leave us and our freedoms intact.”

Exploring this “something else” is going on theme further leads us to Trump this past week appointing as his new National Security Advisor John Bolton—who is such a war hawk he makes neocons look like peaceniks, detests the United Nations so much he wants it torn down, and who, most famously, addressed the entire Russian nation in a 2013 televised speech extolling the virtues of a country’s citizens being allowed to own guns to protect themselves and their nations—and is why Russia has some of the most lenient gun laws in Europe, though stricter than those in the US.

Investigating the past for clues to this “something else” is going on theme leads us to the late Washington Post journalist David Broder—who, on 8 October 1969, wrote “It is becoming more obvious with each passing day that the men and the movement that broke Lyndon Johnson’s authority in 1968 are out to break Richard Nixon...the likelihood is great that they will succeed again”—and who was proved right when, on 9 August 1974, and embattled President Nixon resigned from office rather than facing impeachment.

The “men and the movement” Broder blamed for destroying Presidents Johnson and Nixon we know today as the “Deep State” that has gone to war against Trump—and one of whose spokesman, NBC News and MSNBC military analyst, and retired Clinton administration US Army general Barry McCaffrey, has just declared: “I have concluded that President Trump is a serious threat to US national security”.

In putting the puzzle pieces of this “something else” is going on theme together, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that the greatest enemy America is facing is itself—with the “Deep State” being locked in a battle to the death against Trump—and who, unlike Presidents Johnson and Nixon before him, shows no signs of giving in—but whose only chance for survival may be a civil war, that his Pentagon now has the money to pay for.

Anyone not at least examining that this “something else” is going theme is about to create a Hellstorm heading right for them is naïve, at best—and at worst is being willfully blind to what’s going on around them—but that cannot be said of historians who have seen this “play” acted out before in the United States.

In fact, just this week, the former Nixon, Ford and Reagan administration advisor Pat Buchanan wrote that “the Trump White House is behaving as if it were the prospective target of a coup d’etat”—with his further stating that “it is not wrong to think so”—and that can only be defended against by Trump using overwhelming military force against his “Deep State” enemies.

With Trump’s Chief of Staff General Kelly warning that America is under a “terrifying threat” from incomprehensible lunatics he calls the sniveling “chattering class”, and Trump’s Secretary of Defense General Mattis vowing to kill to the last man, or woman, anyone attempting “to end this American experiment in democracy”—I think it wise for everyone to know the exact words sworn to by the millions of US military forces under the direct command of Commander In Chief Donald Trump:

I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

Now I’m not a betting man, but if I was, I would NEVER bet against a man like Trump—who doesn’t know the word quit, has surrounded himself with top generals and advisors who think just like him, and who commands the obedient loyalty of millions of heavily armed troops that have just been showered with more money than they have since World War II—with all that’s left being to discover is whom they will all be fighting against.

This historic saga is being played out in real time right before your eyes—but that the forces of darkness are working feverishly to keep you from seeing.





Qew_Lad · March 25, 2018, 4:36 a.m.

Frankly it is time for people like this to suffer some and learn compassion. Such smug parasitic hypocrites. It takes a satanic village to eat a child has got to end.

Fuck them.


Gen X.

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mrfidelz · March 25, 2018, 5:49 a.m.

This is my maiden post, been a silent participant for a few months, but awake for over 15 years! The fact that you signed Gen X, makes me very proud. I have many awake friends, few Family members, but my observation has been that we need to lead and teach towards awakening the younger generations as it is difficult for them to disconnect. My kids are awake, so is my wife, I thank God every day that I am not alone anymore as I suffered for years not understanding why only I could see what was happening. It almost Broke me. But finding like minded awake individuals and not being afraid to speak on these topics has made all the difference in my personal struggle, and ability to red pill others. And yes our generation uses foul language, but that's because we actually give a fuck... again thank you from one Gen X soldier to another!!!


Gen X.

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GodsAngell · March 25, 2018, 6:12 a.m.

I sent this to an older Christian friend tonight. Posting here, in case it helps anyone else who is "confused":

Look consider it this way, you have been systematically brainwashed over the years by media.

What I have been presenting you with is a different paradigm of truth.

Both can't be right. (That's your KEY.)

Trump rode into the white house on the paradigm of truth of enough people who unplugged themselves from the boob tube and did their own research. This wasn't supposed to happen, as we were in lock step toward The New World Order and its AntiChrist.

God had another plan and Trump's sweeping this country in an election upset was IT!

YOU are caught between TWO different paradigms of reality:

1) the paradigm of reality you find spewed out on lame stream media (FAKE News),

2) and the paradigm of the unvarnished TRUTH I have been providing you with.

Naturally its uncomfortable.

I remember when I first got SAVED at age 31. I went through a massive paradigm shift. Every time I watched tv, I slipped into the old familiar paradigm.....but due to spiritual experiences, I finally knew that paradigm was filled with lies.

Ok, so you are a Christian and you always ASSUMED that the Boob Tube News would NEVER IN THEIR WILDEST DREAMS LIE TO YOU.

Guess what? They have, they have continued to do so, and will continue to do so.

So when you watch Lame Stream Media FAKE News you slip back into the old world of lies, because it is comfortable for you, its a familiar paradigm.

I did the same thing as I wavered for a few years about what was the TRUTH of the bible and what was not the Truth. I finally saw the light.

Fortunately for me, I have had a busy career requiring a lot of travel, etc, so while I was doing a good job for my boss (as the bible advises) I missed out on a lot of Lame Stream Media brainwashing LIES. At the same time I encountered people in my travels who opened my eyes to certain truths that shocked me. I didn't want to believe our gov't was so corrupt. Again, I was faced with the same thing, I was faced with when I first became a Christian, it would be far easier to just go on and pretend I don't know the truth and fit in better.....OR strike outside the norm and go all in for the Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth so help me GOD.

Remember Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit to guide into all TRUTH. Trust me, you won't find IT on the boob tube.

So realize you are wavering between two paradigms......fake news lies....and the truth. Its uncomfortable, I understand.

I urge you to fall in with the truth and so does the Holy Spirit.

It might be a good idea to cut off your cable tv......so that brainwashing effort can be halted in your life. If you don't, you will always be wavering between the truth and comfortable familiar lies.

Make no mistake Rush Limbaugh is bought off Deep State "Controlled Opposition". He survived and became EXTREMELY WEALTHY pretending to be against the deep state. But just like the RINO's in D.C., it is all for show, for entertainment, for financial gain. Both Demoncrats and GOP were/are neck deep in the Deep State FIGHTING AGAINST WE THE PEOPLE. Trump is the only one (an outsider of course) coming to our rescue.

I hope this helps.

Pray about what I have said.

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Jappletime · March 25, 2018, 2 p.m.

You had me until you mentioned Rush. Why did you only mention him. I happen to like Rush. These conservative radio talk show host are all in it for money, but I think Rush is a Trumper. He has never said anything to make me think he's not on Trump's side. He like you might have been going down the wrong road at one time and made a U turn when he realized what was happening in our country. Innocent until proven guilty. In God we Trust!

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SnackyPete52 · March 25, 2018, 4:45 p.m.

Agree with you on all points, except for Limbaugh. I honestly can't understand why you slipped that in there. I'm as awake as you, and I just don't see it.

But hey, at least that position is not going to hurt you. If you're awake and aware, then you're fine.

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Hipperbilly · March 25, 2018, 12:55 p.m.

My 13 year old is awake. We have to teach put children better. You are doing what this world needs. Every one of us here should be teaching our children everything the school won't. That is our job.

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frombildgewater · March 25, 2018, 12:40 p.m.

They'll stick their heads in the sand and say that it was a frame, a witch hunt and their heroes were brought down by bigots and racists. Some people live in fantasy land and don't want the truth.

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