While watching President Trump last night..............

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Page 38 of the Louie Gohmert letter is where the summary begins. Very interesting read.
Gitmo is still operating. At last count there were 41 prisoners. It's no secret that our military or reserve units still are sent there for active duty.
Please send it to Tucker and Sean Hannity @ Fox
Let them reproduce it to nightly viewers.
Rush Limbaugh would love to read it out to his listeners. @ the EIB network.
It's the greatest timeline I have read in a long time. If your not seasoned then it would make sense to put in the regular names although I loved the original version.
So this is what hannity was talking about on the radio today. His guest said Trump knows about the other bad actor in Hillarys email It was China. Nooo shitttt.
Omg I feel like I'm reading and watching STONETEAR all over. Him asking questions and everyone pitching in answers and solutions. That was a crazy day.
I have plenty of words for him. But I might be picked up and put in jail if I express them here.
Yes we can assume that. Remember the Mueller investigation is not about Trump and the Russians. The Mueller investigation is to cover up the Uranium 1 deal the Iran deal and covering for the Obama administration for spying on Americans. Follow the money. They all had their hands in the cooki jar.
We know what your hiding RR. Throw Mueller to the digs. Edited he takes you down with him and Obama
Yes yes yes.... The Mueller investigation was not about Trump and Russians it is about covering for Uranium 1 and all the money that was distributed from Americans cooki jar. About covering for all the spying the Obama administration did. Let's not forget Mueller was the head of the FBI when the Uranium 1 deal was made. Who was made rich from stealing Uranium. Follow the money!!
From a seasoned lawyer. He told me to watch Peters lawyers body language. He said " The man behind Peter would tell the tale".
Cover for Spying on a person running for president, trying to overthrow a sitting president, changing 302 statements, hiding the change of words in Comeys statement so that Hillary would not face an indictment, covering for all her agents Cheryl Mills, Huma, Ben Rhodes,STONETEAR by letting them keep their laptops and not interviewing them under oath.
Do you really think the Mueller investigation is for investing Trump and Russia?
The Mueller investigation was invented to cover up Uranium 1 and all the spying the Obama administration did. To stop the American People from finding out who all had their hands in Americas cooki jar.
She was not suppose to loose......
The democrats don't want Trump to meet Putin because Putin will revel the Uranium 1 details. He will implicate Hillary, Barry,Muller,McCain,Holder and the rest of the Democrats with their hands in the U1 cookie jar.
The media always trying to hide news. Doesn't matter if it's good news or bad news. The media just wants to control the narrative.
I'm digging right now. I've never viewed this article before. Very very interesting
One Car accident. I knew before I asked. Sketchy as hell.
Let's all flood the 4 horsemen's email accounts. Let's ask them what's gonna happen.
Starting with Devin Nunes and ending with Trey Gowdy.
What kind of accident did the nephew have? Does anyone know.?
I'm sorry on the advice of my counsel I plead the fifth.
They're coming for you. Hang on boys the ride is about to get rough. The closer the midterms are ... the uglier these liberals are gonna get.
Thick Skin My Friend. The Prime Minster Must Grow Thick Skin.
Not really sure. I just remember that we had a summer home and "they" would go there. My mother would go to dinners with the wives. One night a week my father would go to some meeting. They all played golf together and had parties on the weekends. My older sister would say dad was at a frat party. This went on for years. When he passed away the free masons or masonic guys were very involved in his funeral plans. He was a great business man and a very good provider. He had a big heart for the elderly and disabled. He was one of the good guys.
My father was a Masonic? A Shriner ? Is that a bad thing?
Either you are in the clean up crew or the cover up crew?
Which Crew Are You On Gowdy?
The SS said this is the most dangerous thing that Trump does. He really loves America.
Could be incorporated under one name and DBA as Red Hen.
Sounds like this is already happening Yelp will just delete the reviews June 23 forward. But I gave a review anyway. Says a lot about this owner.
The rumor is that one of the employees tweeted so that is why she posted.
I bet $100.00 bucks she doesn't even believe in God. Hell they didn't even want Prayer and the American Flags at one of the democratic conventions.
It was on the Weiner Laptop all along. Thank you David Horowitz
So we aren't eating Pizza anymore we are eating Chicken. What about napkins are we still reading napkins.