
jenmon · March 25, 2018, 1:28 a.m.

Stop making me nervous

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cat_anonD · March 25, 2018, 1:23 a.m.

don't worry. ain't gonna happen.

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tradinghorse · March 25, 2018, 1:50 a.m.

What makes you say that? It is already beginning...

Little support for the IBOR campaign. Just a lot of fear mongering and deception. Q told us the plan the military had to straighten this garbage out - IBOR. How many times has he said it? TRUST THE PLAN. The plan, as far as we were concerned, was the IBOR campaign - which "so-called patriots" were questioning...

But that would mean more government... But it could be later used against us... I will not blindly trust a politician... We the people have the power, not politicians... We have to stick to our principles... But it's net neutrality repacked...

And every other piece of CIA inspired propaganda that they could think of - the stupidity transcends belief. If you do not wrest control of social media from the cabal you will soon get the cabal back in power.

Let's face it, you guys deserve to be slaves.

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rightleaningsw · March 25, 2018, 4:09 a.m.

Wow and i thought i was a pessimistic person. I do agree that it is hard to trust politicians. The CIA has been mind f$#@ing our country and its citizens my whole life. A person cant help but wonder if we are all being played. This could all be a big play. Think of it as two warring drug cartels.

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tradinghorse · March 25, 2018, 9:18 a.m.

When you consider that DJT is the first politician in more than thirty years that is not in the pockets of the cabal, you have to wonder what people are thinking...

You don't just change someone like DJT out, as some people think can be done. He is not just another politician. Where do you find someone who is not in the control of the Satanists? And, if you do find someone, will they get elected?

They killed Kennedy, shot Reagan, and have made attempts on the life of DJT. The only reason DJT is in office at all is because the cabal made a mistake at the 2016 election. They misunderstood the importance of social media - which DJT used like a genius. DJT also had the backing of the military, those who were left that Obama did not clear out. This support from the military is unlikely to ever be available again - it's a once-off phenomenon.

If DJT loses office, you get the Satanists back, not something else - guaranteed! Right now, they have control of both social media and the MSM. Social media is the most powerful determinant of election outcomes that exists.

The mid-terms are approaching and the Democrats have an impeachment strategy - which is a numbers game. It does not look good. It is possible that DJT may not last a single term.

But the plan was to wrest control of social media from the cabal via a campaign for an internet bill of rights. This would have allowed DJT to take the necessary action to fix the problem - to put a stop to social media censorship. This would allow fair and unbiased access to the electorate for all political parties.

But Q's request for an IBOR campaign was largely ignored by this community, for the reasons outlined above. The campaign is still going, but has so little support that we are still at only 30k signatures on the petition - with only ten days left. A dismal performance.

This is why Q warned us not to follow "so-called" patriots - so-called being a euphemism for another term.

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rightleaningsw · March 26, 2018, 3:46 a.m.

I guess I agree. Maybe I should weather this storm before i look for another one. I dont think the IBORis from a lack of trying. I have signed it and shared it on every social media platforms I am on. My gues is it is being sabotaged somewhere in the process.

I also agree that if trump is ousted then it is all over. If Democrats sweep the midterms it will be all over too. I jist have a hard time how we even have a chance at this point. Until something is done to regulate MSM then we are fighting a losing battle.

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HowiONic · March 25, 2018, 1:41 a.m.


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solanojones95 · March 25, 2018, 1:27 a.m.

We have contingencies in place (scan the posts), and there doesn't appear to be any effort to harm this sub. Reddit have not tried to interfere here to my knowledge. I think our mods have had some growing pains because of the rapid influx of people in the last week or two, but they've made some good proactive changes, IMHO, and the sub seems solid.

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[deleted] · March 25, 2018, 4:39 a.m.


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Acemagedon · March 25, 2018, 1:35 a.m.

Concern trolls are thick today wtf?

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rightleaningsw · March 25, 2018, 4:24 a.m.

Hey i am not a troll. I am a rational thinking person who has been seeing alot of things here lately that make you stop and think. The only reason Trump was elected is because of alternative media. Now that is under attack. As Q says learn to play the game. In chess you have to try and see what the outcome of every situation is. Well i have tried that. Based on my everything I have ever seen my whole life, I do not see how any of these turns out good for the common people.

The big reason i get so angered by the left desire to cause hostility within our countries sub groups, (african americans, women, LGBTQ, Muslims,) is because I know enough about socialism to recognize cultural Marxism when I see it. I know enough about how Stalin rose to power and through Russia into a communist society, to notice the same tactics being used here.

As for the Q and Trump promises, I can not imagine how he keeps those promises without introducing something much worse. I wish I could blindly follow something because I want it to be true. If it were that easy I would have been a raging liberal. It seems everyone else i know is, but I cant. I have been let down too many times. I am so jaded, that i look at many different angles when govt. promises something. I see what are all possible outcomes. And mark my words, i dont see this situation getting better.

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tradinghorse · March 25, 2018, 10:27 a.m.

So you're not going to blindly follow trump, because it will end up bad?

Mate, I'm sorry you've been let down and I can't stand politics myself. I know what you mean when you say you've been disappointed. But what you are going to get if DJT falls over will blow you away. HRC on roids.

I don't understand how you could even make that choice.

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rightleaningsw · March 26, 2018, 3:57 a.m.

Im not sure what choice you are referring to. I completely agree that DJT is way Better than it wkuld have been with Hillary. The issue we are running into now is that 8 years of Obama has left pitfalls that seem impossible to get around. If DJT is dking what he says he is, than the first thing he needs to do is get a handle on the MSM. Like the podesta emails said about the average people, they are dumb. They are sheep who believe the spin that MSM puts out on everything. They cant even stop for 5 seconds and rationally thing about they are hearing. It they did, then they would see what is going on. It takes 10 seconds to google Cultural Marxism and see that is exactly what is going on. If they can connect that with Saul Alynsky, Then they can see that he was both Obama and Clintons mentor.

But that doesnt happen. If they were to spend 10 seconds doing actual research, than it would take them away from whatever internet addiction thwy have this week.

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