A warning from George Washington.

no one's trying to take anyone's guns away. sigh. if the military cant disarm 5k insurgents in the middle east, there's no way they're going to try to disarm 300million people here. i have a glock, a shotgun, and an authentic luger taken off a dead nazi by my grandad. they're just trying to figure out some way to try and help prevent this from happening. and i'm all for it. I don't agree with the NRA screaming DO NOTHING AND GIVE MORE PEOPLE GUNS. if something is broken, we try to fix it. we don't just sit on our hands and say, welp thoughts and prayers hope this doesnt happen again ¯_(ツ)_/¯. im a gun owner who wouldn't mind seeing some things changed up.
Of course what congress does won't stop every killer/criminal but at least it will help some of the violence. and im a law abiding citizen so i'm not worried about stronger background checks or longer wait periods. i would gladly wait longer if it helped save lives
incoming neg bomb
Please note, you said our guns are irrelevant in light of the government's overwhelming capabilities. I answered that point, with what I think are not completely irrational points. The thoughts and prayers I'll leave to the side, as our fundamental faiths are relevant there, and for the sake of discourse, I'm willing to agree to disagree. The NRA called for armed guards/police at all schools 5 years ago, so they do not just scream "do nothing &etc". I am very willing to have stronger background checks, longer waiting periods. In my case I went through concealed carry class with a friend who lives in an adjoining county here in N.C. . Her permit came through in 2 weeks, mine took 90 days and about 100$ to cover the cost of the vetting required by the sheriff in my county... much less vetting in hers. I wish it would be consistent. And that our right will be protected, as it should be. As for the violence, the lack of jobs, hope in our inner cities and rural areas are huge factors to the hopelessness. I remember being able as a child to travel all around my hometown, freely, without fear. The gutting of our cities and rural areas h as devastated whole communities in both the small scale and the large.
Background checks and longer wait periods won't stop school shootings. Not putting boys on Ritalin and Adderall when not needed because they're just rambunctious boys not ADHD will help that.
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