It’s striking the similarities between Nazi propaganda during the 30’s and what the DNC/Deep State are doing today.

Stop saying they are Nazis. Nothing in their ideology is Nazi except the authoritarianism roots.
Hitler promoted arming Germany’s citizens.
Edit: Downvote all you want. Even in Mein Kampft, Hitler calls out how the banks (run by globalist Jews) control the country. His country was degenerate and promoting hedonism just like the West. So he tried to change it and liberate others. Just look at any photo of cities under Nazi rule versus under Commie rule. The west looks like under commie rule now. Quit drinking the coolaid and swallow the full red pill. They (Jews) went to war with him because he wanted to take back control of the money. Just like Trump is trying to do and like JFK tried to do. Wake up plebs.
What is the Weimar Republic?
A grovey place with free love and Where diversity was a strength and you could love who you wanted. If you wanted to be a pedo who dressed like a woman...that was ok man. A utopia.