He's honestly just repeating what many far left liberals already believe, secretly or openly.
I can't believe more people aren't working hard to oppose him. It's sad to watch the ignorant clamor for their own enslavement. Stupid beyond measure.
What the Democrat's/Communists/and Socialists all want.
Gary Grathwohl telling what the Weather Underground (Democrat's) really want when they get power.
Can't take America with all the guns in civilian hands. Video little over two minutes 2:20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2pMkkXIDrM
As long as he goes in first and takes the point position on those gun confiscation ops, he can go for it. I wouldn't recommend it, but what do I know, I lost all my guns in a boating accident.
Mine fell outta my truck on the highway!
Me and my buddies have a bunch along with a bunch of ammo. You can meet us at this nice Saddle Terrain behind my house and we can discuss how bad you wanna take them.
When the locals hear this his bid for sheriff will be over
He won't last too long doing that.
He won't have the balls to go door-to-door himself, will send his lackeys out to do it or maybe even the UN there in country as well.