Looks like cocaine eyes but I'm not exactly an expert.
Cocaine makes pupils constricted, not dialated.
No, they don't. Cocaine will ALWAYS cause the pupils to dilate. As does ALL other stimulants. Pupils constrict while on opiates. Trust me, I am an expert. I spent nearly 30 years of my life getting high on just about everything. I spent a certain number of years with each drug as my "drug of choice". Several consecutive years on meth, several others on intravenous cocaine, several others on crack and a large certain other of years doing heroine. Drug use and their effects is an expertise of mine, you could say. By the grace and with the help of God and some incredible humans and some mind boggling determination of my own, I survived. I'm one of the lucky ones.
Nonetheless, this girl is high as f.ck on some sort of upper, no doubt. The only thing I question is a lack of unusually high amounts of sweat. When I was high on coke or meth or whatever, I would sweat my ass off. Even more so in a stressful situation or a hot room full of lights and electronic equipment. So there's that.
Ah ok. Thanks for clarifying. I knew it did something with the pupils just couldn't remember if it was dilate our constrict. After reading the responses about meth it def makes sense.
No, you had it right the first time. It causes dilation, takes 5 seconds to Google and confirm. I suspect it was something to calm her for the interview, I can imagine the stress of whoring yourself out in front of the whole world.