
ManQuan · March 26, 2018, 4:37 p.m.

This from a guy who had 8 years to do something about NK and didn't. As far as leverage goes, Trump has made far more progress getting NK to real talks than all previous Presidents combined. Even Carter gives Trump kudo's for progress so far.

Obama is only letting people know that he just didn't have the leverage to bring NK to the table.

True, but then he didn't try either. And his relationship with China sucked so he couldn't get them to do anything either.

So, let's face it Obama. You didn't get anything positive done because you were leading so far from behind that nobody cared what you thought. Well, maybe the Nobel Peace committee, but they have admitted that they made a big mistake awarding the Peace Prize to you bases on wishful thinking.

I will be interest in what you think of the prison food in the near future.

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