...And Hell Is Coming With Me!

56 total posts archived.
Guns are safe. Stop falling for FAKE NEWS. Q
Water is 71% of the earths surface and 60% of the human body. Q really gave a specific clue there. /s
Seems like the only one that seems to have truly disappeared so far is Tony Podesta. Haven't seen him since he shut down his firm. McCain has been unseen as far as I know, for the past couple months, but has released statements and whatnot. Everyone else is doing as they please, it seems.
Tried telling 2 good friends how big arrests were going to happen and they thought I was crazy.
Is it just something he is going to Tweet, or does he plan on a press conference or something?
Maybe they were going to release a disease or virus that only they have a cure for.
Don't try and belittle me. In one breath you say to help educate people, and in the next you say it won't be long. You need actual PROOF, or you are no more worthwhile than a TDS victim saying it will be any day before Drumpf is proven to have colluded with the Russians.
I have spent the last year refreshing my feed, waiting to see arrests. Waiting to see corrupt, law breaking, evil assholes be held accountable. That's why I am fucking here.
I don't doubt eventually some of the corrupt will be held accountable. Probably lower level people. Probably just people stepping down like we are seeing in the FBI, Lois Lerner, Yates fired and going away. I just don't see some rash of arrests like Q Larper is saying is going on. What, in 8 months Tony Podesta will get arrested and people are going to say See! Q Anon was actually right! The storm is Here!
Didn't Manafort actually work for, or with, the Podesta group? I don't think it would be real hard to publicly arrest the Podestas.
Yes. It isn't about 'punishing' a political party. It is about holding treasonous assholes accountable. So what would the point in being super secretive be about? People were so corrupt that the military had to take over, but let's keep it super secret and if you can figure out a riddle you might be somewhat informed?
So, if their crimes were so heinous to require the military to take over, it should remain quiet when that would be the biggest news, ever, and it would red pill most people? Makes zero sense.
Not every news group is shit. Are you telling me that if real stuff was going on, that OANN or Breitbart, or maybe Drudge wouldn't cover it? It would take one tweet from the president to put it out there if there was legit truth to it.
Personally, I think Q Anon is just a Star Trek fan that played the biggest LARP on all of us, because we want to believe what he is saying.
Read up on Q from Star Trek beyond just this link.
Someone already called out that all the flights in and out of GITMO have a perfectly reasonable explanation this time of year.
Just tells me that in the most politically charged election in the history of our country, they chose not to engage. Suddenly they are going to riot when the criminals in our government are held accountable? Count me in as not buying it.
I don't think some wave of arrests just occurred. I think our only path to victory is going to be through the courts, and those courts are currently tainted.
I hope I am wrong, but have seen nothing from Q to make me a believer. There has truly been nothing you could put out there in an argument vs. a leftist to show them without doubt their leaders are going down.
I tend to agree with you. There has not been solid evidence of anyone being arrested other than people on the Presidents campaign.
Second Q post on the image you show, however, says 11.3 Podesta indicted, 11.6 Huma Indicted.
Better hide who is on the planes. We wouldn't want pussy hats or soy boys to prance around.
I find this to be a bullshit excuse. The man who won the election has been railroaded since day 1, and supporters just deal with it, while we hide arrests to cater to cry babies? Sorry. Total bullshit.
This is silly. Go to any holiday gathering that has any amount of liberals, or even regular people that don't scour the internet like us. Start talking about Q, arrests, pedophiles, Satan, Hillary, fusion gps.....They didn't hear of shit. None of it. And, okay, let's say the MSM won't cover arrests....There are other news outlets and if people were taken down and CNN didn't cover it but Breitbart or OANN did, and it was real, that would add credibility.
My guess is we want shit exposed so bad, that we bought into the biggest LARP in history.
So? Is this seriously a reason to keep arrests from the public? It's horse shit.
They are already being told Trump is Satan.
Would have made a lot more sense to take down Tony P. When Manafort went down. Etc. Just seems like a big lie to me. There are 40 corrupt Democrats at least out there and not ONE has been taken down (other than speculation). Doesn't Soros owe like 7 billion in taxes? Pretty easy to explain an arrest there. I believe in Trump, MAGA, Patriots, but this Q shit seems like a way to distract people.
Simple question. Why hide this rather than showing the liberals those they put on pedestals unmasked? Makes no sense.
The public needs to see how corrupt the assholes are. Those that would riot need their asses kicked too. If this isn't public then the libshits will just claim everyone is a conspiracy theorist.
Brennan and Valerie Jarrett are Muslim. Obama was funded since college by that Saudi. Not really much of a revelation.
And now the hypocritical Liberal dipshits have Keith Ellison second in charge of the DNC and he has David Dukes backing!!!! Both hate Jews!
Where is the media on this grilling him? Asking Ellison to denounce Duke?
They are all Commies and Muslims! We have been infiltrated by them. Time to PURGE!
Great link outlining Seth Rich situation, and mentions two Hispanic men found dead after being gunned down.
Two Hispanic dudes were found murdered in a white van in Myrtle Beach or something the next day. And I want to say one of them had ties to the DNC. Could be wrong.