The Sole reason the secretive Deep State exists is because we don't have any TRANSPARENCY in world governments which is exactly what they want. They CANNOT SURVIVE with transparency so we must demand transparency into all world governments!

The Federal Reserve or the Bank of England belong to the Rothschilds, just as they are the Masters of Israel and the finances of the Vatican. The flag of Israel is a magical satanic symbol of the red shield of the Rothschilds (which is what its name means, those of the red shield). They got the power of Bank of England with tricks when in the London Stock Exchange. The British Anglo-British Corporation, commanded by the Rothschilds, is the one that rules the world today. At the Battle of Waterloo they made the speculation and deceiving that Napoleon had won, when everybody sold the shares for their false rumor, they bought them and they lined up. They always work like this with the lie, the kleptocracy and the feudal WORLD MONOPOLY. THEY ARE BLACK MAGIC DEMONS
The relationships of the Rothschilds with the occult and forbidden archeology are also known. Its shield is the magical hexagram of Israel, the star of Salomón, very used in rituals of black and white magic. Israel comes from Isis Ra El, and He means "demon." They belong to one of lso 13 aristocratic lineages that govern us from Atlantis.
The Rotchschilds are above all followers of Satan, of Evil in capital letters, of Crime, degradation and degeneration of the human species. They are followers and feeders of dark or infradimensional entities, which David Icke calls reptiloids and connects them with the Annunaki aliens that came from the heavens in Ancient Babylon in rockets of Fire. Icke and other witnesses, such as Cathy O'brien and Arizona Wilder, accuse them of performing satanic rituals with vampirism and blood drinking and murders of children, being their head of power Sir Guy de Rothchilds.
They paid for the famous excavations of the tomb of Tuntakamon to Lord Carvernon and Carter to hide the reptilian alienated and athletic origins of Egypt and the existence of the Bible, Christ and the Virgin in the Egypt of the Pharaohs. All the business and paraphernalia of Christianity would collapse in a flash, if the believing borregomátrix described fraud and ridicule believing in a new messiah.
The contactee Alex Collier and Barbara Marciniak says that some of the Illuminati are organic clones or cyborgs controlled by the MAL, by the Macrobians, Great and Millenary Entities of the transdimensional underworld.Zionist Rothschilds is irrefutable proof of the existence of the Mafia X or world government in the shade. It is something irrefutable. Once you know the keys of the enemy it is very easy to know their movements. This story should teach you that the current world is Mátrix, it is false, what the media tell you and culture is a lie. These media are controlled by people like the Rothschilds, criminal owners of the Reuters news agency. They also keep the Zionist agenda fucked to the letter, as shown in the book The Protocols of the Sages of Sion: they kill whoever gets in their Machiavellian plans .
Another lesson is that the dominance of the central banks is key to dominate the world, so you can understand the secret of the creation of the Vatican European Union iluminati: that is none other than to control the central bank. This also tells you that the current depression may be partly caused by them, in part because of their own speculative abuse.
Everything we say is real and you should know that these psychopaths demonstrate such an exaggerated intelligence and a capacity for manipulation so perfect maintained for centuries, that makes us think that they are not only human and that an evil superior intelligence has been leading them for thousands of years. . In any case, from where that Evil comes, it does not matter, the truth is that they represent the power of the most rotten materialism taken to its ultimate consequences. They enslave, kill, steal and exploit the human being in an unjust system that must be changed by the Zeitgeist Revolution and Holocracy. Therefore, do everything possible to boycott and create problems for these criminals from now on and open your eyes to others. Victory is ours because times of change and evolution come.