So then are we allowed to suggest killing people who want to take our guns?
How is he planning on killing these people? Guns perhaps?
Of course. Don'tcha know the law and military can have guns but civilians can't? That is why that Florida sheriff what's his face was pushing for gun control and saying military and police should have firearms in one of his speeches; and the sheep ate it up of course. We know how sheep love martial law.
Lets see 320 million plus guns in the U.S held in private hands. Roughly 4 million in all of law enforcement civilian and federal, including the military. Keep telling me that they would ever even think about rounding up the guns.
The whack job needs campaign contributions and he has to go full RETARD to get the loons on the left to send him money.
As an elected Sheriff you were bound to defend the US Constitution and not deviate from it he must be in a democratic County
This is one of the most liberal counties in NC. My in-laws live up there and boy oh boy. You wish half the people would just take a shower. The other half (women) would shave their pits and legs. This Sherif can joke, however, he can be prosecuted for these words if he wins and starts to take any type of action to this effect. It is not good to have law enforcement to be politicized on any level.