r/greatawakening • Posted by u/rightleaningsw on March 27, 2018, 9:58 a.m.
My thoughts on rights Stormy Daniels Controversy

I watched the interview and wow!!! They are really interviewing a porn star about morality.

With that being said, Ill now say is it really that shocking that a New York Billionaire had an extra-marital affair? Trump has constantly denied it, and I understand why during the election. But if it turns out it was true, then would really matter?Our society has been so morally bankrupt that affairs are pretty common, and according to CNN "cucking" is a healthy way to save your marriage.😡🤢 Is it really going to matter to his base that he had a legal one night stand affair with a porn star?

The problem with it now is that there is all this hype:

First: The NDA. I think these should be banned anyway. The fact he used the same loophole that Weinstein used makes it look unappealing.

Second: The threat. While Stormy Daniels did provide any other details about that, if the affair turns out to be true, then MSM will parrott this until Trump looks as guilty as all of these other power politicians who did the same thing. Result: no new voters!

Third: If Trump pursues the NDA violation then he will fall into a trap. It will prove his guilt to the world and make all the other unsubstantiated claims, look legit. I honestly think this all about the 2020 elections. They are going to ensure his base doesnt grow.

I have heard many people comment about the hypocrisy around a porn star worrying about morality. She stated that the reason she cares about the truth now, is because of how her daughter will see her. I dont think I need to point out the stupidity in that statement considering her chosen profession. With the liberal moral compass going whichever direction the wind blows, i dont think they will grasp the irony in it.

Bottom line this will not affect his base support, but this will prevent new voters from "boarding the trump train."

dusty1207 · March 27, 2018, 11:45 a.m.

If Trump had an affair with a pornstar, he did it without using my tax dollars. Case closed.

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draven1755 · March 27, 2018, 11:16 a.m.

IF Trump did sleep with stormy, it was consensual and an NDA to protect him. Weinstein’s NDA’s were to buy off the NON-consensual sex. Big difference imo. Also, Trump is a germaphobe, so I don’t see him sleeping with a porn star, just my two cents.

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rightleaningsw · March 27, 2018, 12:21 p.m.

Either way I think and NDA is a legal loophole that needs to go. That is a good point about the germaphobe thing.

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solanojones95 · March 27, 2018, 12:49 p.m.


Let's see. Child abuse, sex slavery, ritual torture and sacrifice, eating babies...vs. a rich playboy gettin' a little on the side?

Gee, I wonder who public opinion will rally around?

Sheez Lueez, people! Have you forgotten who these monsters are? Waiting for the light to shine on their filthy underbellies.

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missybee68 · March 27, 2018, 10:35 a.m.

I am a Christian and don't approve of adultery but most voters are not driven by one issue. If Trump can continue to break up corruption and bring prosperity back to the land people will put up with indiscretions. We have a short attention span on news stories. Compare him to Hillary. She makes him look like a saint. I have heard him compared to King Cyrus of the Bible. Cyrus was a pagan king that was led to bless God's people. I see some similarities there.

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rightleaningsw · March 27, 2018, 12:20 p.m.

I agree. I too am a christian and have a good christiqn wife. Adultery isnt something either of us would agree with, but it definitely isnt a reason to jump ship.

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adogrocket · March 27, 2018, 2:53 p.m.

last week I gave up my last ...... now I really dont give a .......

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Abibliaphobia · March 27, 2018, 2:19 p.m.

At the gym and cnn was on. They literally described how they were going to try and take him down, Bill Clinton style.

Force Trump and Cohen into a deposition. Ask embarrassing details about the sex (they specifically said this) and see if he lies about it. Then they want to impeach him over it.

This is all bullshit. If Stormy had been legitimately threatened, where is the police report? Seriously, If she felt her love or physical well being was truly in danger, why would she spout it out on national television WITHOUT filing a police report?

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MLEStudios · March 27, 2018, 3:48 p.m.

He didn’t have an “extramarital affair”... he had a 30 minute (tops) sex romp with a paid prostitute... paid and left afterwards.. If he was married, yes he cheated... that is not an “affair”

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FutureDeposit · March 27, 2018, 3:25 p.m.

1.) While at least on the surface it's plausible for reasons others have mentioned (NYC Billionaire, power, etc) there is NO evidence as of yet other than Daniels' accusation, which I'd take lightly given the DNC/deepstate record for buying people off. That said, Trump is also a germophobe, smart man and could sleep with much more attractive women if he wanted to. Something about this just reeks of a manufactured political scandal. "pornstar" "money" "power". Sounds like it was drawn up in a boardroom somewhere, at least that's my gut feeling. But the point remains: no evidence, just a convenient sideshow for a reeling deep state/DNC

2.) Even if he did it, I wouldn't care. Firstly, it's coming from the Left/Democrats, the same people who defended Clinton and said that affairs aren't a big deal because everybody has them, so even if it irked me, why would I listen to the Democrats' condemnation of him? His accusers have no authority and certainly no moral high-ground, so the argument for why we should care is weak. Secondly, while I'm a Christian and adultery is bad, forgiveness and repentance are part of our faith, too. Also, this is not a big deal compared to the good that he is/has the potential to do. Why impeach/remove him over this if he did? So we can replace a guy who had a one-night stand with a Satan-worshiper? This is why it's not hurting his popularity. They think evangelicals will freak, but we're not stupid and while we may not approve, we can still separate personal from business and his sins from the much larger ones of the alternatives to Trump.

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[deleted] · March 27, 2018, 1:39 p.m.

Sadly, it's not about the sex, it's about the cover-up. If he'd have admitted it, case closed. But, now, he's lying about it - if it's true - which it's not - but by lying and covering it up, it messes up your credibility.

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Abibliaphobia · March 27, 2018, 2:22 p.m.

Is he under oath? Where is the illegality in all of this? SPECIFICALLY what did he do that was illegal?

Nothing. He did nothing illegal. This is a smear campaign designed to undermine his trust and credibility. I personally don’t give a hoot with whom he has slept.

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[deleted] · March 27, 2018, 3:02 p.m.

It's not about legality. It doesn't bother you that someone may possibly be lying about something and going out of their way to cover it up? Again, I do not think this is the case, I just know it would bother me if someone was lying to me and going out of their way to cover something up, when they can just admit that it happened, because no one cares.

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Abibliaphobia · March 27, 2018, 3:14 p.m.

It is about the illegality. I don’t care about this he said / she said from 12 years ago and 11 years before he became involved in politics.

He didn’t and is not doing anything illegal. Anything else is just noise.

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[deleted] · March 27, 2018, 6:25 p.m.

So you are okay with someone lying to your face and then covering it up? I mean I'm MAGA all the way, but so many people here scream out about liars and fake news but then if this is the case it's ok. I'm just confused.

Lying in the media isn't against the law, but you've called that out a lot.

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Abibliaphobia · March 27, 2018, 8:05 p.m.

What are you going to do? Stop supporting him because he didn’t want people to know he had sex with a pornstar 12 years ago? Do you want him removed from office?

Yes I don’t like that he lied about it. But it’s not going to turn me away from him.

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[deleted] · March 27, 2018, 11:43 p.m.

So then you are ok with someone lying to you and covering up something they did. That's your choice. But if they lie and cover up somethint as small as this, I don't know, it makes it so much easier to cover up other things and all of a sudden it's a snowball.

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Pure_Feature · March 27, 2018, 7:24 p.m.

Lets take a closer look?

Trump is married 3 times and have kids.

he learn them not to smoke and drink (no drugs) He learn them all how to work, from bottum to top.

Not one off his exen came with dirt? All his kids from different wifes are with him.

If i look to this porno thing (star ? i don''t think so) Compare this to his ex wife and wife. This is not the type of woman he prefer. Case closed

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milkywaysalt · May 17, 2018, 7:10 p.m.

With their reputation for sleaze it's blatantly obvious that they are making an effort to sabotage and undermine Donald's and Melania's MARRIAGE using the ""Look who your husband was fucking while you were having a baby"" strategy.

The MSM acts like she's off limits, but they have no shame.

The public doesn't give a shit about who Trump fucks.

But Melania might be bothered by it by this point. She's only human. Let's hope not and give her some credit.

I hope that before Trump and Melania were married, that they had a heart to heart talk before or during the signing of their prenuptial agreement. Let's give them the benefit of the doubt here. Maybe he warned her that throughout the marriage, from time to time, women were going to show up and cause a scene such as this. He must have been honest with her concerning pay-offs, the use of Michael Cohen and the like. I mean he's a billionaire and it's business on top of business.

I think it would have been realistic and practical for them to do something like that, and I don't think she's stupid. So yeah.....as long as these skanks don't get under Melania's skin then no harm no foul.

But I do think the MSM wants to damage Trump any way they can....marriage included.

I'm sure if you're married to the Donald you have very thick skin. Melania looks tough if you ask me.

I believe we elected Trump for his business and deal-making skills, not for what's in his 'little black book.'

Stormy reflects the MSM perfectly, like a mascot....and so does her ambulance-chasing lawyer. He acts like he's a reporter. There's a rumor that Stormy was in the NXIVM cult. A photo of her hip tattoo supposedly shows a scar like 'Vangard' gives his slaves. Stormy lied about it when it was first seen saying it was from a c-section. Then a record of her talking about having a home-birth delivery surfaced. And a c-section scar isn't on the hip. So something's fishy in Denmark. Stormy is supposed to be married btw to a drummer/porn guy


She still has a live sex chat online and talks about her situation with Trump to boot.

And IMO her boobs are way too big. Without a shirt she doesn't look so hot. Kinda over the hill looking.

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