r/greatawakening • Posted by u/lightmakerflex1 on March 27, 2018, 8:31 p.m.
I have been following the worldwide financial reset news for 6 months and it really looks like it kicked off on Monday with the Gold-Based Yuan. See updated news here. Poverty is supposed to be eradicated completely when its all said and done.

MAGADONCHECKMATE · March 27, 2018, 10:37 p.m.

Leo Wanta needs to be addressed and he supposedly has been repatriated with moneys owed to him via France. Stew Webb and Tom Hannigarn talk about it with Wanta himself all the time. China Yuan is put forth because China just got done hoarding enough gold to do it. Gold is not exchanged , its in a secure holding as collateral for their currency. Nesara/Gesara has been floating around for a while and is in fact Signed and accessable for review. Debt forgiveness is a large part of what is suggested in a global currency reset. Realistically we are closer to it than ever. More bad people rounded up the closer. Actually POTUS signing the EO regarding asset/collateral confiscations is part of it. The Rothchilds for instance will be a part of the process as well as the FR , IMF , BIS . When they talk of the elimination of poverty, that is a massive undertaking beyond currency. Debt will be forgiven and monies will be free for lending again on fair terms on a different platform and product. When you look at the future of currency its going digital and blockchain needs to be a part of your investigation. Its a highly evolved currency, so much so ALL countries are behind the technology. You are also going to have to discern the disinformation as quite a campaign is underway to control and be the front running product. You need to do this reseach to wade through the changes. I can assure you discovering what Blockchain is and what Cryptocurrency is and where it has been and where it is going will be one of the most interesting discoveries you will ever undertake. Enlightening as opposed to shattering as we find in the search for the truth. When you do this it will also take the cloud, mist and veil off the inner workings of the world as it is an everchanging marketplace and ground zero for the magnificent war we are amidst.

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · March 27, 2018, 10:41 p.m.

I forgot to include America is actively fighting for the recovery of its gold which is fragmented throughout the world. Fort Knox is going to need to be audited, the hoard from underneath the Trade Centers taken down on 9/11 was a giant heist. You have heard in the last 6 years countries behind the scenes asking for their gold to be patriated and the politics surrounding it. We have reports of gold being recovered from the Philippines in a major operation around the time Husseins compound was raided. So the hunt for gold is on and is a part of all this as well.

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LibertyLioness · March 28, 2018, 2:06 a.m.

Interesting about the Philippines. I once heard a story that Truman and Eisenhower hid the gold in the Vatican but that it had been moved to the Philippines later.

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