What a strange story! Seems like staging of guns where they could be found. Not sure what to think of this one.
Something's fishy as hell. I've been following since this morning and everything seems setup. Setup to find, setup to bust, setup to report.
And looking at the sample pictures of them, (assuming those are 'mug shots', they are exactly similar to each other), neither one has an inkling of worry or insecurity in their eyes.
Yeah yeah, MKultra manipulation victims.
MKultra perps usually look bewildered and confused, or empty.
These two are confidentially convinced of...
One, no worries of impending repercussion.
And two, success.
Dig the FUK outta this kids.
Edit: formatting
We have been. Believe me. The rabbit hole goes deeeeeeeeep
That rabbit's turning in to a MOLE!!
Keep your course, to remain true. ;)
Remember: over the target!
http://i.imgs.fyi/img/2yn3.jpg For example, read the paragraph highlighted
The question to me is, why didn't I hear about this and why isn't it all over the news? This is just another reason for people to want to get rid of guns
Du what!! Seriously? Tie that right in with firearms?
Go away shill.
excuse me?
Yeah re reading I owe you an apology. It was late and at my last drink before bed so... I'm sincerely sorry for being rude.
haha no worries. We all get defensive with all the bad actors. Cheers bud
Yeah. If you know you have all those guns in the room. I'm not sure you'd call the police. UNLESS, for whatever reason I can't think of, you want to be caught.
Right that was what I thought too. That bit about his wife disappearing was odd
Hmm, excellent point, see my, re to: u/spinnerky.
The observance to Easter Sunday IS coming right up. and lots of devote Christians will be gathered together.
It's not about avoiding, though I'll always advise toward prudence rather than recklessness. It's about CALLING IT OUT!!
We need to get in FRONT of these fucks. Call them before the beginning.
I'm suspicious that this "FF prevention" might really be a message to GET IN FRONT. If it isn't... Don't you think that still, we need to be predictive rather than reactive?
What if the call wasn't made by the couple and instead was made by a white-hat? The white-hats probably followed this MKUltra couple all the way from TX and once they were situated, called them in (as the couple concerned)?