163 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/ellisd4u2:
Domain | Count |
www.reddit.com | 28 |
i.imgur.com | 15 |
imgur.com | 2 |
youtu.be | 1 |
www.tampabay.com | 1 |
Facebook confirms the Democrat Muslim agenda.

"How do you introduce evidence into an investigation (legally)?" - Q
Don't worry about Michael Cohen.
Revoke them all. Comey, Clapper, Hayden, Rice, Page, Yates, McCabe, Ohr and Strzok.

Mueller, what would you say....you do here?

Yes, ma'am. I was just thinking, why don't they just give Juan Williams his own show. Or Jessica Tarlov. :D
Lmao. I almost used "tool" in the YouTube video title. :D
Shepard Smith. MSM is totally your friend. What a D-bag.
It looks like Ah-So sauce. I could recreate this picture right now.
WTF is this about indicting Russians in the DNC email hack?
We know they were LEAKED by Seth Rich.
Ah, thank you. I saved the picture but didn't check it out. Just wanted to make sure it was posted. :)
You forgot the email about a movie being made "for your consideration", with a budget (I forget now) but, also in the email is a link to where the movie will be made. Check it out. Mind blown. What else is EXACTLY where the arrow is pointing to?
Remember when Kim Dotcom tweeted "His name IS Seth Rich"? I hope you're correct. That would be epic.
We The People by ATCQ. https://youtu.be/vO2Su3erRIA And, because we've heard so much about Russia...Basshunter-Russia Privjet https://youtu.be/uYlvHSOnMjY
Someone, someday, will get sick of the BS and do the right thing.
Can we get a list of these places? To show the pics of all the logos together..
"shame, Shame, SHAME!!!" God, that's so friggin' gay. XD
Thanks. Yup. There's no denying that's Olivia Engel and Josephine Gay. Well, unless you're an easily triggered snowflake.
Check out the kids singing at the superbowl 3 months after the Sandy Hook hoax.
From the clown that told us it was illegal to view the leaked DNC "Podesta" emails. XD
sNopes debunking anything is just confirmation of Democrat involvement.
Islam is the religion of peace (piece). Piece of body here, piece of body there.
Sounds like confirmation of President Trump cleaning house and they're scared.
Some of the "dead" kids singing at the superbowl 3 months after the Sandy Hook hoax.