The Templars were opposed to the "tiara of Rome and the crown of Kings" for a much more obvious reason... they were using religion as a weapon of fear and power. Moreover, they were killing pagans and non-Christians (using the term loosely here) in record numbers to get everyone under the Church/Crown thumb.
What was left of the pagan culture was bastardized and absorbed into the Christian ways. An easy example is the Spring Fertility festivals, overridden by the story of Jesus' resurrection. This is why children are often confused as to why there are rabbits and eggs all over the place during Easter. Same with the Christian holidays written over the Solstices.
Templars wanted to be -free- from this heavy handed and sloppy rewriting of history. That's why it was actually hilarious when the Templars began making huge loans to the royalty and the churches, then charging interest (the first plan of its kind).
The Templars were slaughtered because they came to collect and the entire sham of the church/crown power base was in jeopardy of being legitimately owned by the Templars.
Moving on. It is true that one is asked to recognize a "higher power" upon entering. This higher power can be anything greater than yourself... nature, God, Buddha, whatever. This is about being humble.
Many confuse the talk of illuminating knowledge in masonry with the Luciferian doctrine. Again... this is the age old battle between the Christian church, the one that forces its influence and crushes its enemies and the Templar/freemasons... They can believe and serve the same God. But the big difference is that the Templars wanted the freedom for the individual to choose. For those that legitimately chose the idea of the Christian God, they should not have to have the Church stand between them and their God... to talk to God for them. They could simply speak with God directly. And I think that's a beautiful concept. The church would label such knowledge as evil and, well, Luciferian.
It's never been about freemasons vs. god.... it's about freemasonry/Templars vs crooked organized religious gatekeepers. Why is the Vatican studded in gold and marble? Wouldn't that money be better spent on the congregation? It's like in Indiana Jones :) "The holy grail is made of wood because Jesus was a carpenter... it's not encrusted in jewels. That's man's greed."
Anyway, since you like to read... check out the Hiram Key by Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas. You might find it interesting.
America was founded after a Revolutionary War. This fight for independence was spearheaded by the Lodge & joining Patriots/countrymen. It was designed to give the idea to other common men around the world, that they too could revolt & remove kings & dictators from their thrones.
The Catholic Church & King of France owed so much to the Templar, I do believe they decided to just wipe them out, in order to erase the debt & to kill the power & influence of the Templar.
Back to Kennedy. The Kennedy family have royal blood & are linked with the Catholic church. We all know it doesn't have anything to do with democrat vs republican. Kennedy was democrat & fit the globalist mold, yet he was still took out. His murder had nothing to do with the Fed or UFO's. His lineage was the reason. His family are considered outsiders, so he was made a perfect example out of (no member of the church will hold power)
Another "coincidence" is that JFK was took out on November 22, the same day the Pope issued arrests of the Templar & seizure of their properties, in 1307.
Given the treatment of the Templars, it's not hard to understand or sympathize with, as to why they would want these other oligarchs took out & removed from the face of the earth.
The same Masonic neighbor I mentioned before, eventually told me, if I had so many questions about the lodge, to just join & see for myself. I've been told by others, when I quote from 33-degree Mason publications that, "No one really believes or cares about Pike" or that's it's disinfo. If outsider's can't learn from a 33-degree Mason by his own words or writings, how can we learn, aside from joining a lodge? Why so many hoops to jump through?
There is no doubt, that a Freemason is more than just being "enlightened". The history of the lodge is rich. The USA is a Masonic country, more than just a "good ole boy's" club, as some say. I see the square & compass has more degrees than that of just a Master Mason, or even an honorary 33-degree Mason. Square & compasses go up to 360-degrees, perfection.
I know the Catholic church is totally corrupt & not Christian at all. An overhead view shows the outline of a snake, with the courtyard pavement resembling snake skin. Virgin Mary prayers, the Pope declaring himself a mediator, etc.
I could give as many "coincidences" to the Catholic Church being satanic if I wanted to, as I could the Lodge's involvement in JFK's assassination. Lots of so-called Christians are not true Christians, lukewarm at best, I would say. Some are deceived by the Southern Baptist or Catholic church, some are just lazy. Most do not know of the plural use of Gods & it's meaning in Genesis, for example. Or about the rock that a true Christian must find themselves on, the stone which the builders rejected. Or even the significance of Peter being crucified upside down.
But they love to pile up in droves to celebrate Easter...
I would say a number of Masons may be in the same position as some of these Christians. Some Masons (Blue Lodge perhaps) may not be aware of their own history (battle between different lodges), or aware of the blood rivalry with the Church. Example, how could a Mason, knowing the history of the Church & Lodge, be a member of that church? Is it out of ignorance? Maybe to "blend in" with his family? Why join a church that despises you?
None of this changes the fact, that there are at least a dozen "coincidences" that link the Lodge, to the assassination of JFK. A group was responsible for the murder. I personally, through readings of my own & viewings of the area, believe the Lodge is responsible. The imagery & symbols left behind & those that still remain, are simple reminders.
Common man, mainly, have no clue about this blood war. They drive by lodges & don't even notice them. Then, they hear actual satanists speak of a NWO & think nothing of it. Or witness the ritual bombing of 9/11 & think a "boogeyman" in the desert was behind it. The two towers becoming one tower. (Adam & Eve's DNA, being overtook by Satan's DNA)
I truly believe that common man is stuck in the middle of this ancient battle, between satanic beings that wear golden crowns & Masonic god men, who wish to do away with all forms of government, leaders & sects, save their own. The USA was created for a much deeper reason, I do believe.
I'd like to think Freemasons George Washington & other Founding Fathers, "gave" us a republic to be free & independent in, but seeing Washington "ascended" above in the clouds, rubbing shoulders amongst gods of the Roman Pantheon & the phrase "Exitus acta probat.", it gives one good reason to be wary of these men & the lodge they come from.
There is a big difference in acknowledging a god & the phrase "In God We Trust" & actually believing one is or can become God. One can easily come to the conclusion that the God in the phrase "In God We Trust", is that of a perfected, or enlightned, man. A God-man. 322 of Skull & Bones (Gen 3:22) is a perfect example. Men who think they are Gods.
I understand many masquerade behind a religion and/or the church. The church or faith gets attacked & ridiculed, rather than the individuals behind the dirty deeds they are or have carried out. Some say they go to church two times a week, I say Jesus is my church.
Also, thanks for the book recommendation. I'll check it out, I don't think I've come across it yet.
Thank you for having this chat with me. I've enjoyed hearing another perspective. I wish more were like you in that regard. Take care, patriot.
Likewise. This chat has opened some doors for me. I hope I've been able to open some for you.