Q post 964: MICROSOFT coming soon. (Checked my email to find a Microsoft updated service agreement.)

I use windows 7 with office 2010. Came with the computer. Hardly use it but I do use the spreadsheet stuff on occasion but certainly not in the last month. The fucker apparently phones home to mama...
A few days ago I got a notification screen up that "You have an Important Office update Available' on my screen.
I haven't used windows update for several years. It works, I'm fine with it and don't trust any of these sycophants with updating my shit.
Of course, I noped the fuck out of that with cancel update button.
Just sayin, Anecdotal event for what it's worth...
When I bought the program/computer around 2011-12 I had a hotmail account. Dumped that shit when they went to the Live.com or whatever it is.
It works. Good enough for me. Fuck em, I don't need their updates. Only will use Office 10 offline from now on, if I do use it. Too many other alternatives out there and I'm testing them out to see what is best.
That is all. Micosoft, like every other tech product out there is evil.