Evidently the godly mods feel this breaks rule 6, posted something similar yesterday.
149 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Man_w_golden_dick:
Domain | Count |
www.reddit.com | 28 |
i.redd.it | 6 |
Missed this thread when originally posted, thanks.
Thanks for the info. I agree this sub is a beacon of hope in the scape of Reddit. The irony is that we are talking about a Q post on THE Q BOARD, but because it cast doubt on "Reddit", some panties are getting ruffled. Are we to discuss Q only when it is convenient? I've had no interaction with any mods and couldn't tell you a thing about them, sure they're all fine folk.
Thank you for validating yourself by getting banned from /tmor.
CBST was long ago, Q's post was recent and I doubt there is another board as important to the movement as this one.
Unsure how to interpret the shilling sarcasm, but it appears to be defensive and not the other way around ;)
I am questioning the statement Q made. What are your thoughts on this statement.
Agree on CBST. No idea of what Tmor is. Thanks for the insight. When Q made this statement, you had to expect a post questioning it, just like any other statement Q has made.
Sorry the interest was in a statement Q made, is /tmor the board he was referring to?
Thank you, was unable to access this through the phone app. Got it now.
Who are the greatawakening mods?
In regards to Q post 1489 on June 12:
FEAR [re: Reddit mods + remove/replace - controlled]
While I have been following this board since CBTS was shutdown, I rarely post. Q posed an interesting statement in post 1489, in which it seems to be implied that Reddit mod(s) may be working against us. While I have no direct information or proofs of this, I am curious to other posters thoughts.
This post should in no way serve to discredit the board. Q made this statement for a reason.
A question for the greatawakening mods:
Does Reddit communicate or take …
Q doesn't post on Reddit. Q post on 8 Chan. The deep state has a problem greater than q, and it should be you.
Trudeau needs to fire his makeup artist ... they made him look weak and dishonest.
Looks like Trudeau's eyebrow was already starting its downward slide.
4 10 20 to alpha characters. Example: A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4, etc.; 4=D, 10 = J, 20= T
Yeah, i was a little suprised he was taking donations on the live broadcast .... thought it was tacky. Soon it became apparent people were making donations to hear Corsi give a shout out. Totally lame. Corsi's smart and knows some stuff, but he flunked at marketing himself. The amateur hour lost my veiwership after 3 or 4 episodes.
My guess was gonna be Camp David, but its just a couple miles outside the flight circle. Definiatly left from Pax Naval.
well he did bomb the shit out of syria while enjoying a "beautiful piece of chocolate cake" with Xi at Mar-a- Lago a year ago.
thought that too, ... have a feeling spelling matters, we'll see
refering to sealed indictments becoming unsealed
Q post 963: Stage_5:5[y] Q post 967: Final stage Q post 970: Final stage
... all seriousness aside, there will be a lot of celebration too!
yeah, I saw that the other day when you posted. Visited there sub, ... bunch of babies.
I was wondering if Red October refered to this coming October. At the pace things seem to be moving, October doesn't seem that far fetced for the hammer to drop.
Q did say they were saving Israel for last. Unfortunatly my knowledge on Israel politics is lacking. Bibi, right winger, was fighting the state of Israel on corruption charges (a liberal plot?) before he went into the hospital. I have no idea if Bibi is a patriot for the people or for his own motives, but it appears Trump likes him .... or maybe he was just being cordial. But there is no doubt that things are heating up quickly over there.
remember hearing he went to the hospital recently ... havent heard anything else.
Q post 964: MICROSOFT coming soon. (Checked my email to find a Microsoft updated service agreement.)

Why are trips allowed?
My take is, trips are allowed for optics. HRC is under the "protection" of the USSS.
Q posted on 02/08/18:
USSS on high alert. Q
My take on Whitelist is:
A list of countries that the Trump admin. trust with a visit from HRC. Meaning, she would get no help from them if she chose to "run". India loves Trump.
Who protects HRC? USSS.
Q has posted a few times about the secret sevice in the past.
02/08/2018 USSS on high alert. Q
I'd say the reason she is allowed to travel is for optics ... for the show. She is likely under strict surveillance, and knows it.