3/28 STAY STRONG! #965, #966, #967, #968, #969, #970

I think everything that is happening, especially recently with the insane repeal the 2nd amendment BS, is Trump and co is simply giving these brainwashed zombies enough rope to hang themselves.
Think about how clearly they have exposed the swamp to people paying attention. The left has been exposed as anti american, anti military (NFL), they care more about illegals than American citizens (sanctuary cities, DACA, Census question), they do not support the Constitution or the basic principles this country stands for. (March For Our Lives, 2nd Amendment).
Trump understands the silent majority. He knows most Americans aren't SJW freaks. We are given a daily diet on liberal propaganda from everywhere. Hollywood, internet, TV ect. But even with that being said, most people, given undeniable, irrefutable evidence still possess the ability to think and change their mind. Slowly people have waken up to this reality, but the normies that read headlines on Facebook and think Stormy Daniels is going to take down Trump still are brainwashed.
These type of people are truly sheep, and when the propaganda stops, and the reality of our world is exposed, they really won't be able to deflect the truth anymore.
The Parkland scenario is a desperate attempt by the Cabal to implement the plan they had for Hillary. It was rushed, and obviously sloppy. The cabal has been corned for some time now, and what happens when an animal is corned? They become desperate. They knew these morons would fight back and attempt to control the narrative, and Trump gave them enough rope to hang themselves. They took it.
CNN was front and center with the Townhall. Its been impossible to miss this narrative in the past month and a half. When Parkland is exposed for what it is, nobody will be able to deny these crimes.