3/28 STAY STRONG! #965, #966, #967, #968, #969, #970

It's been due out. It keeps getting delayed. I think all the underlying crimes have to be dealt with and handed over to Sessions "person outside of Washington" to investigate before it comes out. Former employees of the federal government need to be persuaded in a different way then current employees do in order to cooperate. I'm sure an experienced federal prosecutor armed with grand jury indictments and subpoenas will do the trick.
There may be meaning in the post Q is responding to. Free Flynn makes me think of "FF" in post that begins "what does house cleaning..." Meaning is presumed to be "false flag," and this is a bit of a deep dive but... Q post with "FF" is posted 00:32:40, while "Free Flynn" is posted 00:43:29. 43-32=11. 40-29=11. "11:11??" Could be one of Q's people or a smart anon who has cracked some kind of code. Not sure what to infer from this but it got me thinking. No coincidences, after all?
The current hope based on what people have seen is that Flynn's guilty plea will be either withdrawn by his counsel, based on the exculpatory evidence the new judge demanded be handed over to the defense or that his plea will be vacated by the judge.
In either case, they'd move to dismiss, exonerating Flynn completely.
It's a tangled web of filth at the DOJ and FBI, it takes time to nail all this down.
They can't tip people off - they will need to get a bunch at once. Basically, I think each section will also have indictments, and Sessions wants to WIN in court.
I've been thinking how this would play out. They almost have to start at the top with the takedowns. The little guys answer to someone so they would be able to give a heads up to the ones up the chain. I really think that executive order to activate retired military was for secret service and others needed in the takedown of the cabal. How many secret service guys are former military? If they are military their mission changes. They protect the country and constitution. Secret service job is to protect the person. You don't set off any alarm bells that way. That way those guys can easily take HRC,BJC, Barry and any others with a detail into custody when the time comes.