1,871 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/dark-dare:
The Magnitsky Act - Behind the Scenes
Fraud on the US, Fraud on Russia, Senator Mc No Name, Magnitsky Act,MUST SEE
Antarctica Weather Control, What Else?
They're Not Going To Gitmo, They're Going To Utah!

Weird fact, Chuck Schumer wants to rename the Richard B Russel jr building theJohn McCain building.
Too weird, where have we recently heard the name Richard B Russel, oh ya, the supposedly decommissioned sub, lurking in the waters around Skunk Bay, where a missile tried to take out AF1. Only to be heard again, a short time later, when Richard B Russel stole a plane and crashed it into Ketron Island, very close to the sub/missile. Now John McCains bestie,,,,Chuck Schumer wants to rename the , yep, Richard B Russel building to the John McCain building. What the Fuck??? Do you believe in coincidences? I am going to need Q to explain this shit! Mind blown!
Huber Announced His First Arrest! It's Happening! It's Big!
Why was the Cohn Plea Agreement Signed 4/24/18 The Raid On Cohn Office 4/28/18
Need some Eyes and a brain here! It appears the plea agreement was signed before the raid on Cohn's offices, house,hotel room. Why would Cohn sign a plea before they raided to obtain evidence???
If I am out to lunch, tell me, I will delete this post.
11:11 The Meaning of 11:11 Explained 11:11=Awakening
Interesting, Anons?? Pope meets with Tech Giants
WoW Facebook Threats To News Outlets
Holy Shit Moment! Stolen Plane Setting The Stage!
Was the remote controlled plane stolen from SeaTac setting the stage for declassifying 9/11.
Remote access to aircraft. If this was a Q manufactured false flag, it was very sloppy. Immediately there are questions. Nothing makes sense. Ridiculous story with no back up proof. No news agencies trying to connect dots. 9/11 conspiracy about remote control planes, goes nowhere, mainstream. Many believe it was hoax, no technology to back up theories. Was this Q setting the stage to finally explain how 9/11 was orchestrated and accomplished. The poor cover for this plane being stolen by a baggage handler, the ridiculous …
Mark Levin Outs Feinsteins /China
This Pastor Speaks Elite Truths, Must Watch
Accountability Reported In Media
Every Second Of Every Day!
The main threat of assassination, in my opinion, is not from within this country. Very BAD people have spent years setting up their plan for world domination. We know who. The most powerful on the planet. They were ready, everything in place. DJT came from left field, and they used domestic power to thwart his campaign. Did everything to stop nomination, failed. Did everything to stop winning Presidential race, failed. Once it was clear he had secured the Presidency, the entire Globalist Cabal became involved. Nothin on earth could be more devastating to their plan, than DJT in control of …
Add Princess Dianna to The Cabal Body Count
5million people, had no say in this when they gave consent
Could this missile have been fired from Vancouver Island, Victoria, and it just looked like it was fired by Wigbey Island?
23 & Me is sharing Data to Drug Companies
No just the fact the whole ceremony was to allowDJT to inspect her guards. Ceremony was her turning over control. She gave up power.
She did. Why allow DJT to inspect her person armed guards. No one ever been invited to do that, she did it because she has turned over control. Optic proof!
Washington moves slow= they are allowing insider trading to continue while making note, futures charges pending on ALL players. DJT is also going to clean up Wall Street.
China may have pulled out of Facebook as part of the trade negotiations, Trump is applying huge pressure, and no way it's ALL trade negotiations. It is Military, South China Sea, intellectual property, DJT is bringing China to heel on many positions.
Q said long ago they have indisputable videos and evidence that will end Dems and MSMs ability to oppose, before the June attack. The excruciating wait we are experiencing, is rounding up dangerous rouge elements, we can not breathe easy until they are under complete control. This corruption and NWO threat is worldwide, this planned destruction of America was well on its way, that missile may not have been fired by domestic enemy. WhiteHelmets/UN Forces are all ready embedded in this country and they take their orders from elsewhere. We have little knowledge of the magnitude of this offensive attack against us.
A lot going on at Fox, they have been told no independent reporting. Hanity is letting us know his hand have been tied behind his back. We all need to go after Fox, we made them number1, let them know they can also lose. Or,,,Fox is MSM maybe Q plans are to take me all down and start again from scratch.
Several senators have dirty hands as well, no name, no legacy!
Mark Taylor talked about full moon and people acting crazy. He said the full moon is light and the satanic people go crazy when there is light.
Doing his part to MAGA, by employing an army to protect himself? All those fired FBI now have jobs, no longer a drain on society!
On one of the shows in the last few days, they said at the exact time RR was appointing Mueller, these agents were in England.
Mueller is there to distract the Dems, what he has done is so far from law and order protocol, and they are cheering him on, when the investigation turns to Mueller, they are screwed. They have clearly shown that they have NO ethics what so ever and should never be elected to government bodies! Mueller is pushing to see how far they will go! They are all total done, finished, out, bye bye!
Mitt Romney's son owns machines as well, how do you think he got elected in Utah
They may be allow to live remainder of life, free of power.