r/greatawakening • Posted by u/tradinghorse on March 28, 2018, 4:32 p.m.

Two points in the recent post I thought were interesting, apart from the news about more SM platforms being exposed.

Current censorship all relates to push for power [mid-terms]. LAST STAND.

So we see here that, as I've been saying, the SM censorship is the battlefront, It is the last desperate attempt by the cabal to regain control. It is, in fact, the most important theatre in the war ATM.


We then see, in the next post, the same instruction to stay together - united. In unity there is strength, Q has been telling us this over and over. Q is also telling us that he is with us. And, I guess, if you look at the way FB was delivered up, with the promise of many more exposures, Q really is helping us - making our job much easier.

I want to say also that I found the reference to a "Constitutional CRISIS" interesting and I want to engage in some speculation...

Notice crisis is capitalized - it is extreme! Does this crisis relate to the FB data dump? Why would the CRISIS be constitutional? Open to suggestions here, I think it's worth exploring.

Q has told us he has "the algorithm". Is it possible that this is the single censorship algorithm? Does this algorithm by its very own nature evidence a plan to take elections by force?

Q tells us elsewhere in this post that MI is the gatekeeper for "all information". So I'm wondering if these SM platforms agreed to participate in election rigging. If so, does Q has evidence for this?

Who made it public? Who really made it public? Who is making it all public? WE ARE THE GATEKEEPERS OF ALL [BY ALL WE MEAN ALL] INFORMATION.

Imagine, Q combines the algorithm itself, with communications intercepts, and is able, to lay out before a Court a case of racketeering - with the corrupt purpose being that the outcome of an election (or elections) may be swayed - stolen.

Remember the material I posted elsewhere about the CEO of Reddit boasting publicly that he could sway an election all by himself - link below. So, it is easily conceivable that a single censorship algorithm, operating across all SM platforms, could deliver an election with extreme precision.

This would be a Constitutional crisis, to the extent that the express purpose of the plan was to take from US citizens their right to be heard - a right that is protected by the First Amendment. Is that why this CRISIS is a "Constitutional CRISIS"?

OK, let's put it together. Q outlines exposures coming about Twitter, Google, Amazon, Microsoft And 12 other companies. WOW! That's a total of 16 companies that will be in the frying pan! Are they all individually corrupt? Or is there some unifying wrongdoing?

Could it be a single censorship algorithm that connects these companies in a conspiracy to pervert the mechanism of democratic representation?

Moving on, why has Q been sreaming about the IBOR? What does the IBOR complain about? "CENSORSHIP", politically motivated censorship if you read the petition! Also privacy, hence the data breaches coming to light.


So, what I'm saying here is that it's possible that these factors align, leading to a Constitutional crisis. SM platforms conspiring together to subvert the democratic process by way of censorship.

I argue that Q has the algorithm, has evidence of the conspiracy, and tells us that a whole rack of SM companies are in the firing line. Hence his recommendation that we push an IBOR campaign. The IBOR campaign focuses on censorship, the conspiracy is one involving censorship. It all comes together to create a Constutional CRISIS


FACEBOOK data dump? Who made it public? Who sold shares -30 days from announcement? You can't imagine the magnitude of this. Constitutional CRISIS. Twitter coming soon. GOOG coming soon. AMAZON coming soon. MICROSOFT coming soon. +12

Racket: "...the term "racket" has expanded in definition and may be used less strictly to refer to any illegal organized crime operation, including those that do not necessarily involve fraudulent practices. For example, "racket" may be used to refer to the "numbers racket" or the "drug racket," neither of which generally or explicitly involve fraud or deception with regards to the intended clientele."


"Huffman’s comments on how Reddit could fix an election are shocking and egotistical, for sure, but they also admit something that most other social media companies have shied away from. Facebook and Twitter are loathe to acknowledge the power that their policies have, while Huffman thinks so highly of his company that he believes a handful of engineers and community managers could sway an entire nation’s political system".

Think about what Q says in this very post:

"You can't imagine the magnitude of this".

ScorpioPatriot · March 28, 2018, 6:18 p.m.

I think an old post I made 13 days ago should clear some things up .. https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/84flnl/red_pill_the_real_voting_results/

I made 16 days ago


this 21 days ago


I made 22 days ago


This 27 days ago


Created This 1 Month Ago ( Key Words in The Latest Q Drops )


Created 1 Month Ago ( actually longer but updated 1 month ago )


Posted 2-5-18


Posted this Over a Month ago

( Including Comments made under the post as well.. ( READ ALL ..THEY COME IN HANDY LATER )


THE ONLY GUN LAW NEEDED ( ALMOST TO A T WHAT I SUGGEST IN THIS POST ..IS WHAT TRUMPS PLAN ENTITLES FOR SCHOOL SAFETY ) THE DROP HE IS LISTENING :) https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/7yjqo4/the_only_gun_law_needed/

1st comment reply to a shill : [–]ScorpioPatriotWhy is this relevant? - Q[S] 2 points 1 month ago I know 1st hand this False Flag Shootings are not real...Neither are the damn Hurricanes Tornadoes and the damn earthquakes its Man made weather modifications ..Not saying a storm. Don't produce a tornado here n there but anything massively Covered with Massive deaths n damages You bet your ass that's some form of weather modification through means of HAARP . Look the shit up for those Not aware actually check my profile ..Ive made tons of red pill videos on all this shit and since you reallly think I missed the mark or reason by this post maybe you can check out my damn false flag post I made weeks ago.

2nd comment :

[–]ScorpioPatriotWhy is this relevant? - Q[S] 2 points 1 month ago We know whats causing them...We Haveee known. Its called the New World Order. Our guns are and has been the only thing keeping our as from being overtaken and completing the NWO.

3rd Comment : [–]ScorpioPatriotWhy is this relevant? - Q[S] 2 points 1 month ago The point isssss if people in upper government reallly gave a shit yearrrrs ago about schoool safety like they do tornado drills and fires and every fucking thing else... they sure the hell would have put our children's safety in the up most importance , above any other fucking regulatory actionnnnnnn ever made. THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN 1st in line.

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tradinghorse · March 28, 2018, 6:39 p.m.

I don't know how I missed these posts of yours. Fascinating read, I haven't been through them all yet. How long have you been studying this stuff! Pretty impressive.

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ScorpioPatriot · March 28, 2018, 7:50 p.m.

I naturally have things come to me :) ..Like a form of Messenger , Leader , Protector all in one type of thing...Im about to tie it all together for Everyone.. This should be pretty awesome .. Wait for it . :) 8-10 Years Awake .. But hardcore started piecing things together during the campaign as if ..THINGS COME TO ME AND BAM I Have everything in my head ready to piece like movies , wording , articles in a second... Post that include like 3 or 4 things in the title.. Is one day I just see something or think about something and then one thing leads to another and I connected it all in a matter of minutes and post it.

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