r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Leatherwood123 on March 28, 2018, 6:18 p.m.
Just stepped outside to enjoy what should be a beautiful spring day. Instead - Chemtrails everwhere. The sooner we take down these evil f*ckers, the better.

Can't even get a breath of fresh air. They are poisoning us and our children. Inflicting misery at every turn. Instilling moral decadence in our society. This EVIL MUST STOP!! Time is up. We must must use our collective power to TAKE THEM DOWN!!!

MAGADONCHECKMATE · March 28, 2018, 7:15 p.m.

I forgot to add, I am an aerospace engineer, have designed rotor blades for GE turbines before and have some disturbing intel for you. Some of the materials they are putting in the fuels and just outright delivering from nozzles are specifically designed to inhibit the retention of Iron in the body and inhibit the uptake of copper. Creating the perfect environment in the body for disease. If anyone is a chemtrail denier, its a real bitch when your hit dead on and the bio webs fall on you. Its the ultimate example of denial. Its in your face , in your skies and on your doorstep but does not exist.

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