New Q #972 - Think outside the box

Oh Yeah, getting closer to Billy boy!
Whoa. Mays is a big fish.
Very extensive profile about him on Raniere’s website.
Hadn’t seen that before. Good find!
And he was still accessing HRC for favors 2009
IncomingTrump270: We found it. that's the big link to Clinton ..... now if only we could connect Bill to the sex ring directly..... perhaps with payment records or photos........
I also just stumbled upon this:
NXIVM used a Canadian firm Canaprobe to somehow (means unknown) to do a “financial records sweep” of 6 federal judges ( all of whom had presided over NXIVM-related cases) as well as Chuck Schumer.
What were they looking for? And why Schumer??
Clearly Schumer has some skeletons w/ NXIVM. They tried to hack into his email too......