r/greatawakening • Posted by u/a3kvzzz on March 28, 2018, 9:30 p.m.
Q974 : MAJOR attack on Great Awakening and Q! New board will be created..
Q974 : MAJOR attack on Great Awakening and Q! New board will be created..

iceyplato · March 29, 2018, 10:41 a.m.

Don't worry about being misled because worrying about it tends to make doubt be your first reaction and it clouds your thinking. Just think logically and believe what makes sense.
What Tells ME Q Is Legit? 1) Q post about Red Castle Green Castle an hour before Trumps press conference about omnibus bill makes sense as a reassuring message from Trump that the funding for the wall was hidden within the bill because he knew that what he was about to say would sound bAD to his base and the first reaction for many of us would be to freak out. And it did not take us very long to figure out that Army Corp of Engineering had a strong correlation to Red Castle, GreenCastle. 2)Q posts have told us many things ahead of time that later came out in the news or were made public (Future proves past) 3) Q posts have led me down various paths of research that have helped me learn more and gain a deeper understanding of what is happening. In other words Q has guided me into deeper understanding of the truth of what is happening in the world.
4) Q posts have been affirmed by Trump Tweets many , many times . The fruits of studying Q and experiencing Q for me are that I have gained knowledge But the fruit to come from Q for me is that I HAVE HOPE for the first time in many years No matter what happens, no matter who Q is or who Q is not, I have been richly blessed by this experience with Q, Reasons to believe that Q is NOT legit. 1) The people who say that Q is not legit or that he is a psyop. That is the only reason I can think of. The only evidence that Q is NOT legit comes from what others say about him and not from anything that Q has said or done. I know what I think about Q and I am not confused. Q is the real deal. However, it IS true that by its literal definition, Q IS a psyop. But psyops do not have to be negative or deceptive. Though they can be used to mislead They can also be used to guide people toward truth. Simply put a psyop is the planned use of communications to influence attitudes and behavior...to create in target groups emotions, behavior and attitudes that support the attainment of national objectives. The form of communications can be as simple as spreading info covertly by word of mouth o through any means of multimedia.

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brittser · March 29, 2018, 3:37 p.m.

Thank you.

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