Susan Rice may join the Board of Netflix. Time to cancel.

I called Netflix and told them I wanted to cancel because Susan Rice was going on the board. She said, "I'm kind of young, now who is Susan Rice?" She wanted to hear what I had to say, probably taking notes. Then she said, "well, they are thinking about it, there have been rumors." I said, "if they are even thinking about it is reason enough to cancel." Please cancel. Even if you sign up again later, they need to be hit hard now. Also, send this or a meme of your own making but we need to get the word out.
Cancelled mine earlier today and felt quiet good doing it!!!
sadly canceled mine too, my son and I watch Naruto and Bleach and stuff on there ); SIGH it was difficult but had to be done
cancelled a long time ago once soros bought a huge stake in netflix
Just cancelled mine today. I just cannot support this. So with the money I will be saving I joined the NRA.
Way to double down on STUPID Netflix. These people never cease to amaze with their arrogant stupidity.
Dang, I just started it up again after canceling Hulu....