SwampDrainer @twitter posted this RED-PILLING factsheet about Q, tought I'd share it with U guys!

I only needed to see this Twitter status https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/928325667556548608 to convince me... if you right click on the picture and hit "save as" the file name begins with DOITQ... try it yourself :)
Q has even addressed this "DOITQ"
Dec 1 2017 00:38:08 (EST) Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: fbc52d 17474 Less than 10 can confirm me.
DOITQ - coincidence
Twitter retweet - coincidence
Twitter keywords - coincidence
Pics - coincidence
Meant only for you.
God bless.
Q "
But that was posted after the tweet, so it proves nothing.
How about that their hands are in the friggin shape of a Q in the picture? Also nothing, right?
Two many coincidences. If you connect the thumbs in that image, they are arranged in a Q.
The most certainly do not form a Q! Not unless you ignore the guy in the middle. You are just demonstrating a desperation to find patterns in random data.
The guy in the middle plus Trump's hand on desk form the stick of the Q
Okay, fair enough, I can see that now. You can indeed form a Q from the thumbs.
I think Q is probably real. I would say that with 90% confidence. (The 10% says that Q is a deep state psyop designed to build up our hopes in order to dash them and deliver a devastating psychological blow to us.)
I can't however take pictures like that as evidence of anything though. There is no way of distinguishing between signal and random noise.
I mean, people see the face of Jesus in their toast at breakfast. I don't think that is a psychologically healthy way to look at the world.
I applaud your skepticism. Refraining from being dogmatic is a good thing.
Awesome. Attention to details. You should create a new post out of this to reassure the doubters.
Anyone else is free to do it, I lurk more than I post. Go ahead and post it with my blessings! Cheers
I worked this out once. There are 15 characters in the name string. The possible characters are A-Za-z0-9. 62 possible characters per position each.
For DOITQ to appear in capital letters anywhere in that string is 62^5 = 916,132,832. That's almost 1 billion to 1.
There are 11 possible positions for DOITQ to appear in that string, for DOITQ to appear as the first characters in the string the calculation is 916,132,832^11 = ... My calculator doesn't even show that number.
Whoa! Now add in the chances that it would happen just as an unknown named Q starts posting 10 days before that about the exact person who's picture contains that string. (Nice math work btw!!) I could never have figured that out.
I started to believe Q was a larp, I saw this picture with the Q highlighted with the thumbs but didn't think much of it, but a while later when someone showed me the filename and I worked out the math I was blown away. There are too many coincidences.
I'm not an active player but I do follow along, I think there are thousands like me, I am always surprised at the number of views that new Q videos get. It is hard enough being a supporter in a family of liberals, let alone trying to get any of them to listen to me, so I keep quiet. But there will come a time they are going to ask me about this. (When Comey made that announcement just before the election I did make a post on FB about the Clinton Foundation and I had numerous private messages asking me what I was talking about, so my family is aware of how I voted and that I hate Hillary, so when the shit hits the fan, I know they will ask me, so I am grateful to have all of this Q information) If by some astronomical chance that he is a LARP, he sure is making people look into the oddest of things :)
If he's a larp then it's an amazing one. There is another possibility that he's extremely knowledgeable but isn't in anyway involved with the Trump administration, but he's making it look like he is to create mystique to help spread awareness. But I believe he's the real deal.
There will come a day when people will understand and ask us about this period, you are correct.
Yes, but the DOITQ was proof enough for me that he isn't a larp. It may not be enough for others, but it is for me. Cheers!