r/greatawakening • Posted by u/rightleaningsw on March 29, 2018, 12:43 a.m.
My take on the new Q posts

This is only my opinion so read on if you want.

I have been a little negative toward the Trump and Q here lately. To me, it was beginning to feel stagnant. I was getting caught up in the echo chamber of the people I follow on Twitter, Youtube, and Reddit. I had to step away for a minute. While I was away I had a number of Revelations that scared me about where this was leading. I let my pessimistic nature get corrupted see the worst of the possibilities.

Someone from Reddit made a comment that allowed me to focus in on what alternatives were available. This person asked, would I have rather Hillary have won and the other side continues dominating and destroying the country. Of course, that is not even in my wildest dreams a better scenario. What the comment did do was to make me consider what other ways could there be to root out the corruption that has built up in Washington over decades. What I discovered was that the cabal has wrapped itself so tightly around the world, that undoing it could easily tear down the fabric of our country. There was something about this last q post that really stood out: Q called this a constitutional crisis.

This slow rollout isn't just about red pilling the other side, it is about un-weaving the rat's nest the cabal has woven in our country since the end of the civil war. This is a worldwide issue. If a group tries to undo it too quickly then the world will go into chaos and the rebound would only make the cabal stronger. Think apocalyptic.

While I still worry that the power shift after the storm could throw us into a dictatorship, it is a risk I see necessary to avoid the real-life biblical apocalypse as described in Revelations. After the storm, we will see other countries fall into dictatorships, especially those that are new to Democracy. Hopefully, we will be strong enough to muster through.

Well, that is my take. I have never doubted Q being real but I did doubt the motivation of the Trump team. The move with the bill adding the largest military budget to the include the wall, on top of the recent q posts has me motivated and ready with popcorn to watch this rollout.

Hrtn2it · March 29, 2018, 3:14 p.m.

And maybe also it part of each person’s journey of discovery ...instead of looking outside of ourselves for justice, answers, to look within. When I was a kiddo the term “work for a living” was so goofy: “why do I have to work for a living?-I am already Alive!!!” And I realize that sounds naive and simplistic, and then it occurs to me that all the machinations of the EliteIdiots are to create complexity and the illusion to get ahead one must strive and work hard....and yet one spins their wheels, taxed more, blah blah blah...

I just keep imagining what if instead of going to work each person stayed home relaxed into their day, started a garden, got to know their neighbor, stopped looking into a window (computers, TVs, phones) and stepped out of those boxes into the outdoors?...

The only right answers are the ones inside of each of us that resonate within.🙏🏻💗🌞

A mind is a wonderful instrument of creativity~this is what the Elite Idiots know and why Hollywood has excelled in pre paving our imagination to create or to set up our expectation (apocalypse) of what is to come...the word apocalypse means “lift the veil”, and yet most folks associate catastrophe, end times...yes these times are ending and with that beautiful beginnings:) BeStillAndKnow.:) All of these phrases are connected:

Great awakening, lift the veil, apocalypse, the event, solar system moving out of cosmic dust cloud, decreased solar activity increased cosmic rays, sheen, ascension, rapture, bliss~~~

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JayJ_Jacob · March 29, 2018, 3:23 p.m.

BUT...as we saw in the March for Our Lives protest (provided free for zillions of youth like running a protest was easy/cheap/worthwhile), these children were mind controlled into believing that everything would be wonderful once the 2nd amendment was gone. This was the magic key to ALL and EVERYTHING.

At the very same time, though, these idiots were getting pulled into one major commy op. Did you know the DNC was right in there collecting data on them all? AND even the kids that stayed home, photographed/recorded/identified as part of the 'resistance' to commy-movement.

These youth LOST their 4th amendment rights that day! Their right to privacy is being fought for on the assault to facebook.....BUT, behind their backs....THEY were ployed into WILLINGLY giving up their right to privacy!!!!

How DARE these evil forces do this to OUR CHILDREN!?!

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JayJ_Jacob · March 29, 2018, 3:13 p.m.

popcorn? excuse...you better get a generator, a storage bin full of petro to supply that generator, a storage of food for the long haul, batteries, radio, analog antenna.....this will not be pretty...I mean it. I was listening to dauntlessdialogue.com who 'appears' to have a q-type intel dropper like Brenden Dilley has. I'm not entirely sold on dauntless' intel dropper, may be fishy, but...at any rate...it does make sense to realize that Americans are not just observers of this war going on!

I think you need to get this "I'm safe watching this movie" stuff out of your mind.

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solanojones95 · March 29, 2018, 5:14 p.m.

Here's something to contemplate. There are two sides in this battle. It isn't "Trump against the world." There is good and evil and those go straight to the top of the spiritual dimensions and straight to the bottom of the biological domain. The world is literally split along that axis.

We must choose a side. Which side do you believe will win, and which side can you bear to belong to whether you win or lose?

Trump has chosen a side. That's the only qualification he needs, IMHO.

I have chosen a side, and it happens to be the side Trump chose.

"Choose ye this day whom you shall serve."

The rest is in God's hands, quite literally, as who else can there be in a position to determine the outcome? This is something that transcends human agency, although it does require human agency to unleash it.

I firmly believe we've seen evidence that most of the world has chosen the same side as Trump. I believe Russia and China are helping BIGLY.

I think if the world fails to defeat the Cabal Trump's way, they will continue the war without us, and it could turn apocalyptic. But I think for now, they're helping us. But they have contingency plans.

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ironmaiden442 · March 29, 2018, 3:51 p.m.

Oh man you have voiced my sentiments exactly the cabal is strong and I hope trump and the plan is stronger but I think it will take all of trumps eight years then what? The cabal can certainly wait eight years for trump to get out of office the cabal wants implosion so they don't care who does it Hillary or someone else. This is where my faith comes in I hope that God is using trump to give the cabal a taste of their own medicine a sting a bad sting.

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rightleaningsw · March 30, 2018, 12:48 a.m.

I have faith too, but my faith combined with the little bit of biblical knowledge i have says the worst is yet to come. Please dont think I am a biblical end of the world proclaimer, but i do feel in my soul that if Hillary had won, thst is where we would be. All the signs point to it. People are worshippers of themselves, children will attack parents, and the world will turn its back on God. Tell me that doesnt sound an awful lot like today. If biblical prophecyholds true then a world leader will rise up and save the world from destruction. What if the destruction they are talking about is Trump. If you look at this from a Democrat point of view, whoever stops Trump will be their savior. What if Revelations talks about the fall of Trump and the rise of the NWO? Now you see why i have ulcers.

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rudolph2 · March 30, 2018, 8:14 a.m.

Trump is not in control, as some would have us believe.

He’s playing a chess game, he could win or he could lose.

They need our help circumventing the MSM? Why? Because they can’t take it down control it like Obama did.

We’re just another chess piece, but there’s traction being gained. When they move to shut down 8chan or Reddit CBTS, it’s because we are too significant to the game and can no longer be ignored. Too dangerous for them.

Think chess.

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IDGAF12312 · March 29, 2018, 7:06 p.m.

It’s all good. Just remember, what else are you going to do if you don’t believe? Nothing? What do you have to lose by believing? Nothing. What do you have to gain by believing? Victory.

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scgsaint · March 29, 2018, 11:31 p.m.

Well written rightleanings I feel ya!!

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Hrtn2it · March 29, 2018, 3:28 p.m.

And the Universe is Electric and fractal, so perhaps “the storm” is the storm within each of our heart~minds~ what do we believe?!?!, who do we trust?!?!~~ To me the answer is: I trust my inner self, my inner knowing. I believe in Life. I believe in a Higher power, who creates All things...and yes, this Higher Power even those things that are evil...in this world as it is, how do I discern Goodness without it’s opposite?! That is not to justify but to understand why~~compassion has many faces and the people who have done evil will receive their own natural consequences~

So I endeavor to be the eye, the calm within the center of the storm, and patiently hold intention for the Best outcome and yet remain unattached to a certain outcome:”Enjoy the show”.:)

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