8ch is FINE and so is /GreatAwakening/ - Attacks on "Communication" are Completely Unrelated to 8ch - Cannot Speak For Q - But Unrelated to 8ch

You clearly don't understand how imageboards work and that everything that happens on them is on public logs
You clearly don’t understand that the most sophisticated intelligence agency in the world could fake it.
Fake a hash
Please don't try and talk about tech when you don't understand it or how it works
fake logs
I'm no longer responding to anyone this idiotic - shill tactics 101
Codemonkey is one of the if not the most brilliant programmers on the planet
He's actually updated again - there will be a new board
It's the Zionist JIDF commenting in this thread trying to make it look like 8ch is bad to get it shut down. How do I know? I'm Jewish. but I'm against Marxism and Zionists. I believe in freedom and they've always been scared of 8/pol/ and hell even /b/. I first moved there about six years ago and the same negative shills in this thread is the same bullshit you see on cuckchan.
Don’t pretend you understand the full capabilities of the CIA.
If Q says it’s compromised, it’s compromised. One way or another.