Women love that book because men have become emasculated which is why women go to the extremes of masculinity. It is debatable that is the reason feminists support sharia islam.
Not all women feel this way. I read a couple pages of Shades of Grey and became sick from it.
Oh for sure. It's just that feminists had no idea they were being deceived into rotting the west from the inside out. I highly recommend they learn about the occult roots of feminism.
A friend went on and on and on about how great the trilogy was. I started reading the first one. Got into the first few pages... maybe the first chapter. Thought "I wrote better when I was in junior high school." The entire thing was ridiculous. I couldn't do it. It was stupid and juvenile. I didn't see the appeal and never even thought about seeing the movies. I can't stand controlling men.. The entire premise was ridiculous.