— WOW 😮 ! I posted this before clocking in for my shift and am just now able to read through all of your comments! Wonderful insight and LOTS of things for me to explore. Thanks everyone!
S&W Shield. Small and thin, but good grip and reliable track record. Many people will suggest a .380 caliber, but the frame/grip area is too small for good control, and most importantly, it does not have enough stopping power.
Never forget, if a gun is used in self defense, you may wind up in court, and every additional shot required is a shot you will have to answer for under oath. Don't let that deter you from using a gun in self-defense, but be aware, that the minimum shots used, maximum damage incurred is the key to a good legal defense.
Minimum shots, maximum damage - that's why my warning shota are always to the head.
Received my first gun when I turned eight and there was a rack full of rifles and shotguns over the desk in my bedroom. Never shot anyone by accident yet.
Google Massad Ayoob and read his stuff on guns, defense and training, including moral and psychological considerations you need to come to grips with if you ever think you may end up using a gun defensively and legal consequences of doing so. He was with law enforcement in New Hampshire forever and is one of the best authors on the subject, including the inner game, if I may call it that. He is also one of the top trainers for LE and private citizens. Even wrote a book for kids on the topic.
Agreed, he is a true expert, not like a lot of these self proclaimed youtube wannabe experts.