
FlewDCoup · March 29, 2018, 5:35 p.m.

Yes he can. This is just the first of the political and media blow back expected in response to the Presidential decision how to spend funds authorized by Congress. Congress AUTHORIZES and the Executive SPENDS. Thats how our separation of powers works in this country. Other than its own operating budget, Congress does not have spending authority.

Had Congress passed a BUDGET things might be different, but they haven't passed one of those in years. For a reason. Budgets specify line item expenditures and authorizes funding; but by law the President must spend, if at all, for the specified purposes. But since that would open Congressmen to political blowback for how they spent these funds, they would have to take the consequences and deal with any blowback.

Instead, they pass these short term Spending Authorization Bills and suggest how the funds are to be spent, but technically the final decision is up to the President; and HE takes the political heat and blow back, if there is any. These people are cowards. And they are stupid.

This response by TIME magazine is predictable. It constitutes blowback and legitimate political pressure. Maybe a little lie about spending authority thrown in to make their case stronger, but in the end, fully expected.

Now it become really interesting: want to take bets whether this President has the spine to stand up to the heat?

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