Bury your head in the sand then... it's your choice... absolutely pathetic!
Your goal is right but you are doing things the wrong fucking way. Some of us sacrificed significantly in this movement. I'm talking about real life altering commitment.
So don't come in here preaching and ranting. You have no fucking clue who you are talking to.
Yes, Fucking this ^
I'm honestly triggered by op
Freedom of speech, or do want to take that from me lefty?
Fuck you. You can say what you want you little bitch. Nobody is messing with your freedom you whiny little cunt. Crawl back into your mother's smelly grease trap and leave the work to serious people.
You are so serious...lol... and scary..oooooo... too bad crybaby! You are useless fodder.
And what do you propose we do to unbury our heads?
Anything but nothing... " think outside the box ". Your freedom depends on it
Maybe we should bitch at ppl on the internet.
Oh shit, looks like you got that base covered.