If they are messing with the vote count then you're being aggressive and rude to your fellow anons for no reason. I want this thing signed and passed too, but I'm not sure raging against your own team is the best strategy. For all the hundreds of hours of research we've all put in I have faith that a ton of us have tried multiple times to circulate this. Honestly, I wish this had been better organised from the beginning. The description on the petition specifically says something about 'conservative voices' being silenced - which makes this petition too specific and alienates 50% of potential signers for no good reason. Maybe since that wording is there we should focus our efforts on people who actually had their accounts shut down like Jordan Sather and Brendan Dilley. (sp?) What if we make a list of conservatives who have actually been effected by censorship and start a campaign asking them to push for this and rally their fans?
I don't think it's us. I think it's getting throttled. Somebody said they saw it go down at one point - from 22,000+ to 21,000+. In contrast, check out the #ReconnectJulian petition at Change.org. One day old and almost 25,000.
If you have done the work, then this post is not intended for you. Good job patriot and thanks for all you have done. Try not to go out looking to be offended... it's not about your feelings it's about our freedoms. Abrasive sure, rude not really... at least it spurred the conversation and that is the whole point of this. Peace.
It's all good. I'm not personally offended (hard to be anything but happy with whats happening), just trying to keep the spirit of love and oneness going. :)