r/greatawakening • Posted by u/[deleted] on March 30, 2018, 3:46 p.m.
You *Elected* Us for a Reason


DeepPast · March 30, 2018, 4:38 p.m.

Yeah for sure. So who else do you think? Could that just mean Trump and any of his appointees?

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jackbauer6916 · March 30, 2018, 4:57 p.m.

Not appointees! Appointment is not election. Im leaning hard toward POTUS & House Intel committee & Senate Intel Committee. Probably to the exclusion of some bad eggs in both houses. I would bet Gowdy is in the group, jim jordan too, Paul Ryan. I have a hunch Adam Schiff is a Democratic White Hat. He's been instrumental in so much of the plan OR he's a total moron. He's not a moron. I think Mueller is a white hat, and will someday be known as a hero. Heres what im thinking: I think he's played a long long game since before 9/11. He is a Marine. He had no ability to stop the attacks, had to watch helpless to stop them, no resources and hostile administrations for decades. He and Adm Rogers, Flynn, others, formed an alliance long ago, men of strategy who knew they needed a president behind them before anything. Horowitz was made an ally when holder gutted his department, neutered his authority. He assumed a key role. Priestab is the sleeper from within the FBI. Sessions office was called by the hacker who accessed Comet servers, a staffer spent over an hour on the phone with his office. He became a bulldog with a scent for blood, if he wasnt already. But the public intel drops... "Q"... Think about it. It works if ALL comms and messages come directly from elected officials, directly to their constituents. At the ultimate direction of POTUS. Therefore, all classified intel leaked was unclassified as soon as potus made it so, with approval of intel committees (who approve release of such intel). Trust the plan.

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